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204!! she who shall never be revealed Kc Yue Cong Cheryl Lim Madeline Bok Woon Rui Xuan Prisillia Hui Ling Jia Min Li Qing Pui Shan Man Ling Qi Kai Cheryl Yeo Javier Chong You Marissa Zi Yi Engrish.com TalkingCock.com MrBrownShow.com
May 2008
June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 |
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
wa finally man, a post after what seemed to be such a nong nong time... ok, some updates since nothing much happened anyway.
Updates: firstly, kc is finally back from Pahang!!! yeah!! ok, she has been back since last week actually. HOWEVER, SHE DID NOT BUY ANY SOUVENIRS FOR ME. how could she do that to me?! noo~ on her way back, her bus met with an accident. P(the chances of getting an accident on way back from malaysia)= 1/100 can? LOL, applying maths here. secondly, common test coming. its on the 12th of August, which is like one week from now. that's a very sad thing, for we need to start mugging. indeed a sad thing, but look at the positive side! we can play all we want after common test :D thirdly, erm erm still got what... oh yeah, got nothing more to say, so shall update on a joke. :D RATING: YELLOW 小华:小明你在床上做什么。小明:我捡到一个蛋,有人说那是大象的蛋,我打算在床上自己将他孵化后卖给马戏团。小华半信半疑的把手伸进棉被下乱摸一通,突然欣喜若狂的大叫:哎呀!是真的耶!已经开始孵化了,我摸到小象的鼻子! LOL, signing off~ Ps. is my post getting shorter and shorter? well, can't be help, i'm getting on years and there is nothing much for me to talk about.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
ah! FINALLY! this blog has become alive once again. that's a good thing.
but seriously lah, there has been nothing much to post about this few days. every day is the same thing: wake up, wash up, makan, comb hair, change, go school, squeeze into the packed like a can of tuna (i dn't like sardine) fish LRT, so on and so for, the cycle can go on forever. well, i think this half of the year is mating session. LOL, not really mating, but everyone's into relationship recently. haiz, a few more months before we say bye bye~, so everyone is 抓紧时间-ing. well, we saw a monitor lizard a few days ago. kinda.... happy? like i can finally see something extraordinary in school. don't tell me that its normal to see a monitor lizard in school, i will use a smelly sardine fish and smack you in the face *pia! pia!* kc went to Pahang this time. last time go Penang, this time go Pahang. what's wrong with her? going malaysia all the time? and i have not heard of a place called Pahang before lah. she claimed that Pahang was at West Malaysia. no wonder, she go 西天取经. :D anyway the school has bought insurance for the students going (including kc, obviously =.=''), so let's not care about her anymore, shall we? 谁叫你把我丢在新加坡,你就滚到一边自生自灭去吧!MUAHAHAHAHA!!!! ok, updates finished. signing off~ (must go sleep liao. Look at the time)
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
I DON'T CARE~! I'M GONNA USE CAPS LOCK FOR THIS POST! :D MARY + CINDY = A BAR MAY YOUR LOVE LAST! (AHHH!! THIS IS TOO EXCITING!!) PS. MARY, YOU MUST GROW MANLY-ER, LIKE THAT CINDY WILL THEN GOT THE 安全感 YOU KNOW?! YOU ARE THE MAN, UHUH~ and cindy, you are the woman~ (oh my, what am i talking about? *害羞* 别想歪~ :D ) signing off~ love is such a wonderful thing neh~
Saturday, July 12, 2008
yo peeps! long time never post liao. so here i am, updating my blog. well, tomorrow will be The Record Challenge thingy and yesterday Lim Jun Sheng made us danced continuously for one hour. its not really tiring, but kinda sian, cause you are basically repeating the whole thing over and over again.
but i still thought it was fun! :D we will get free mineral water, bread... and a banana after the competition. LOL a free banana.. what is the use of a banana? i mean.... hohoho! 维他命B6和四十八条香蕉一样多~ eating the banana to get more vitamin B6? LOL!! ok, one joke down there.... 某女校男老师在课堂上大发雷霆: 「我在上面累得半死,而你们却在下面一动也不动。 haha!! signing off~
Sunday, July 6, 2008
yo peeps!! last friday was the school bazaar and the mass dance practice. both are very fun! and i was busy taking photos and managed to take around... 55? LOL, not posting all of them and most are here.
kin hiong and ri zheng slacking!!! i also slacking. HA!
after setting up the stall, lei lei, rui xuan, priz and me went to play the Haunted House, but while queuing there, Lei Lei said she dont want play liao, so in the end is me, rui xuan and priz go in. lol, i thought that it was not really scary, just that the place is quite dark and you can't see anything, so have to walk slowly. at the later part, i found out from lei lei that... THERE ARE REAL EARTHWORMS CRAWLING ALL OVER THE PLACE IN THE ROOM. fuck. how was i suppose to know that? i didn't step on any, did i? kinda disgusted by the fact that there was actually worms on the floor. anyway, more photos!! :D sold half already!! all cleared man! empty baskets. 感动~ oh yeah, me and cindy was very sian cause all our things are sold finish, got nothing to do, and there was nothing much more to see downstairs, so we played a very lame game. lame right? we managed to rip a hole on the paper. after the bazaar, we went to BPP food junction to makan. at first is me, cindy, jiamin, cheryl yeo, bok woon and xiu zhi got there. when we reached the Kopitiam, ruixuan and priz joined us. then we chit chat chit chat, makan a bit, talk a bit, and finished our food. after that we saw guo dong and zi yi. oh yeah, after eating, bok woon went home. jiamin, cheryl yeo, priz and ruixuan took the bus, guodong and ziyi decided to run to challenge the bus, so me and cindy decided to walk slowly back to school for the mass dance practice. you know, must exercise after eating. ok, more photos, lesser talk! bok woon si bei pro. after finishing the jap set rice still have the stomach to eat a plate of fruits. *claps claps* jiamin also eat. my finished fishball rice. i took this photo without looking at the LCD screen of the camera. i am pro de, thank you thank you!! (one try only worh :D) guess who it is using the chopsticks to kiap the ice? (answer is at the bottom of the post) and last but not least, a very 经典 $1.50 jap food you can get at a Kopitiam > > > > > > > > > > > > > > idea by priz. rui xuan also got buy lah. very 经典 hoh? i agree. oh yeah, who kiap the ice? Sms: Who Kiap The Ice Space 76688 to find out who actually kiap the ice! ok, lame. is cindy who did it. twice. signing off~
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
just some of my grumbles actually ^^ (in some parts of this post, i will type cockroach as cock. it not only makes my job easier, it also fully expresses my hatred for cockroaches, especially those that flies. kc hated flying cockroaches as well. she just claimed that she had managed to kill 8 these few days.... one was found in her cup too. very brave too~ :-D ohhhh yes!!! DIE DIE DIE!MUAHAHAHA!!!!!)
last sunday, me and mum were sitting in the living room watching 美食大三通. we were laughing away and suddenly, there was this freaking full grown cockroach that flew out of nowhere and landed on the wall behind the television. .... AHH!! fuck! so, i pointed to it and said something like," ma, got cockroach. go catch it leh!!!!" then my mum just reply in a casual tone,"ai ya, you just leave it alone can liao." =.='' shit. then i cannot concentrate watching the television and kept looking at the cockroach. suddenly, it moved and started to fly-walk to the bookshelf which was behind the sofa (the one me and my mum was sitting on) double shit. the enemy is now behind me. what am i going to do? what am i going to do? what am i going to do? i can't see the enemy! AHHHH!!! noooo~~~~~ then i changed place and sat at a position whereby i can see the tv and bookshelf. don't ask me how, i'm not going to explain it. anyway, i saw the cockroach went hiding behind the bookshelf and after a while, the head came out a bit. then i urged my mum,"quick quick quick! go take the insecticide leh! the head came out liao!" my mum then slowly, and steadily went to take the insecticide. however, after she came back with the weapon in her hand, the little fucker's head went back into hiding again. so, my mum grumble grumble and put back the insecticide and went to wash her hands. after washing her hands, the little fucker came out again!!! yeah! so, my mum curse and swear a bit and went to take her weapon again. ta da! the insecticide! as the saying goes: "things won't go smoothly, the cockroach won't die easily", the moment my mum came back with her weapon, the fucking thing went back into hiding already. pissed off, my mum said (i think is to the cockroach),"我把杀虫剂放在这里!*pah the insecticide on table* 我看你几时出来!" then she went back to watch tv while i monitor every action of the cockroach. 皇天不负有心人啊!~ the whole of the cock finally came out!! "ma, come out liao that 蟑螂!" my mum quickly went to take her weapon and sprayed at that little fucker. MUAHAHA! you shall die today!! then the cock wobble wobble a bit and walk on the walls and did something that kinda amazed me. it can still fly! it started flying rounds and rounds around the living room, and i just shouted "AH! AHH!! wa lao eh, %$@%$&*%$" and ran back to my room, close the door, and on the lights, while my mum fight outside. so brave~ in my room, i heard the pah-ing of newspaper and spraying of the insecticide. after a while, my mum said,"可以了啦!出来啦!" whoa, its finished. so i asked her if the little fucker is dead and whether she has thrown it in the toilet bowl and flush the toilet, she replied, "打死了。把它丢到了楼下。" !!! HUH?! 楼下?! so scared later the corpse hit someone, it will be so disgusting lah. but i think didn't hit anyone, cause got no one shouted vulgarities from downstairs. if got hit someone, confirm can hear things like "GA NI NA!" or something like that. ahh~~ the 历险记 of me and the cockroach ah~ signing off~ I HATE COCKROACHES. THOSE LITTLE FUCKERS!! |