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204!! she who shall never be revealed Kc Yue Cong Cheryl Lim Madeline Bok Woon Rui Xuan Prisillia Hui Ling Jia Min Li Qing Pui Shan Man Ling Qi Kai Cheryl Yeo Javier Chong You Marissa Zi Yi Engrish.com TalkingCock.com MrBrownShow.com
May 2008
June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 |
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
wa finally man, a post after what seemed to be such a nong nong time... ok, some updates since nothing much happened anyway.
Updates: firstly, kc is finally back from Pahang!!! yeah!! ok, she has been back since last week actually. HOWEVER, SHE DID NOT BUY ANY SOUVENIRS FOR ME. how could she do that to me?! noo~ on her way back, her bus met with an accident. P(the chances of getting an accident on way back from malaysia)= 1/100 can? LOL, applying maths here. secondly, common test coming. its on the 12th of August, which is like one week from now. that's a very sad thing, for we need to start mugging. indeed a sad thing, but look at the positive side! we can play all we want after common test :D thirdly, erm erm still got what... oh yeah, got nothing more to say, so shall update on a joke. :D RATING: YELLOW 小华:小明你在床上做什么。小明:我捡到一个蛋,有人说那是大象的蛋,我打算在床上自己将他孵化后卖给马戏团。小华半信半疑的把手伸进棉被下乱摸一通,突然欣喜若狂的大叫:哎呀!是真的耶!已经开始孵化了,我摸到小象的鼻子! LOL, signing off~ Ps. is my post getting shorter and shorter? well, can't be help, i'm getting on years and there is nothing much for me to talk about. |