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204!! she who shall never be revealed Kc Yue Cong Cheryl Lim Madeline Bok Woon Rui Xuan Prisillia Hui Ling Jia Min Li Qing Pui Shan Man Ling Qi Kai Cheryl Yeo Javier Chong You Marissa Zi Yi Engrish.com TalkingCock.com MrBrownShow.com
May 2008
June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 |
Saturday, May 31, 2008
List down 20 people you can think of right now.Don't read the questions till you named the 20 names.At the end of these, choose 5 people to do this.
1) kang chyi 2) lei lei 3) yue cong 4) man ling 5) cindy 6) cheryl yeo 7) bok woon 8) li qing 9) guo dong 10) rui xuan 11) ming lun 12) tommy 13) victor 14) yi min 15) farhanah 16) marissa 17) marcus 18) zhenglun 19) huiling 20) ke yun (Refer yourself ==) Q: How did you meet 14? in school during cca Q: What would you do if you don't meet 1? i will die. confirm. Q: What if 9 & 20 dated? i don't think they will. Q: Will 6 & 17 date? i don't think so. Q: Describe 3. likes to sing, eyes as big as goldfish Q: Is 8 attractive? not bad not bad~ Q: Describe 7. can join choir Q: Know any of 12's family members? nope Q: What will you do if 18 broke up? do nothing Q: What language does 15 speak? english and malay Q: Who's 9 going out with? i don't dare to say. Q: How old is 16? 13, i think Q: When was the last time you spoke to 13? no idea. Q: Who is 2's favourite singer/band? Jay Chou, Jay Chou, Jay Chou Q: Will you ever like 4? no way. i'm not lesbian. Q: Will you ever date 1? i might consider. LOL. Q: Is 19 single? don't think so. Q: What's 10's last name? shit i dunno. sorry ah!! Q: Will you ever be in a relationship with 11? he belongs to cheryl :D Q: Where does 6 live? fajar Q: Favourite things about 5. dogs, animation, her trumpet Lastly, 5 people you want to do this: - kang chyi - kang chyi - kang chyi - lei lei - yue cong You want to do then feel free to do
Thursday, May 29, 2008
ah yes. tomorrow going to east coast park. nong nong time neber go there liao. 难得holiday, our class will have a gathering at the park. 你浓我浓,大家和气生财嘛!
yeah, kinda O_Oing forward to it. anyway, don't know what to do now... so, signing off~
Sunday, May 25, 2008
the HOLY homework
ok, the holidays homework are piling up and rotting away like shit.
here's the list: - go to www.k-1.com/Orwell/site/work/essays.html to read the essay "Shooting an Elephant". there will be an open book in Term 3, week 1. if i'm not wrong, the essay need to be printed out. - do the english setence exercise. (task 2, which is printed on the same piece of paper with the website) - maths textbook: * ex 7a, questions 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 11, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19 * ex 7b, questions 1c, 1d, 4, 5, 6, 7b, 7c, 9, 10, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18 * ex 7c, questions 2, 3, 4, 5c, 6c, 7, 9, 10, 11b, 12b, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 * ex 11a, questions 2, 3, 5 * ex 11b, questions 5, 7, 9, 11, 14a, 14d, 16, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23 - go Heymaths! and do the tests. if i'm not wrong, is every week do one. - chinese: 两篇 “异乡情缘” 读后感 + 两篇报章报道 - Literature project Last but not least, my own maths and chinese tuition homework every week. sian, don't feel like moving but got no choice. sian.. anyway, i'm signing off~
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Cruel hell...
today during D&T lesson, teacher showed a documentary called "Seeds". its about the promoting of eating vegetable, or better still, become a vegetarian. so they showed us what happens to the cows, pigs and chickens during their lives in the farm (not like those in the countryside, is an industry farm mainly for the rearing of animals to be slaughtered) and when they are slaughtered.
its very cruel loh, and the animals are very 可怜. kind of ironic lah.. like i've been eating them for my whole life and i'm saying that they are very pitiful. but that's what i felt after watching the show lah. they suffered the moment they are born. --------------------------------------------- for the baby chicks right, they got their beaks removed/cut off so as to prevent them from attacking each other and killing themselves. the beak is the most sensitive part of a chicken's body and after having their beaks removed, they can either die from the shock, or suffer the pain for their whole lives. for hens, the ones that are in the farm grow much faster than the hens that grow in the wild, as the wokers always feed them with food that make them grow faster so as to produce more eggs to be sold. this damages the hens organs and they often experience bone fracture. in the end, most of them could no longer stand on their two legs as they are too fat and have grown too fast for the legs to support their bodies. also, they are often stuffed up in cages, and cannot breathe in fresh air, see the outside world. the hens lay around 300 plus eggs each year and this is don't know how many more times from normal hens which are reared by farmers in the countryside. when the hens could not lay anymore eggs, the workers will starve them for about 11-14 days so as to stimulate the hens' body to force them to lay eggs. plus, they are always living among their own shits, and the corposes of their fellow hens which has die from diseases. somemore the space is so small.... for slaughtering, they experienced the most amount of bone fracture as they are thrown here thrown there by the workers into the cages and hung up. why hung them up? orh, because they are going to get their throats cut open while having conscious and have their blood run out. but, but, this is not the end of their tragic life, because after draining their blood, they are still alive.... they are only killed when they are send into this very hot thing, which i forgot is called what, to have their feathers removed. their lives end there. oh yeah, turkeys and ducks are also no better off. in fact, turkeys are worse than hens. but its not elaborated in the video lah, so i also don't know how bad it really is. ---------------------------------------------------- for pigs, when they are born, their ears, tails, teeth and lanjiao will be removed, forcefully without any painkillers. can you imagine how pain it is? the piglets are like squeaking away in high pitch sound while having those removed. why removed them? i mean, so cruel lah. then they will also be cramped up in small spaces and same as the hens, grow so fast until their four legs could no longer have the strength to support their bodies. so sad? that's not the end. there is bound to be some weak pigs that can't grow much. so what happens when they can't grow? they get killed. first, they will be thrown onto the ground. the workers will hold onto their two back legs, then throw them onto the ground, several times until the pigs are too weak to even move. then, a gun will be used to end their lives. why kill them? because keeping the pigs will be waste of food and water, thus wasting money. MONEY! can you imagine it? just for $$. the only time the pigs get to see the outside world is...? care to make a guess? Ans: on the way to be slaughtered. yes, that's the only time. kinda sad isn't it? now i know why the animals in animal farm want to rebel. when the pigs are to be slaughtered, its kinda same as the hens, got hung up, have their throats sliced, let the blood spurts out and send for heating for fur removal, before they die. -------------------------------------------------- lastly, for cows, they have their horns removed (in the video, there got show a worker removing a cow's horn and the cow is mooing away in pain. blood was seen spurting out from the wound), and a burn mark is put onto them without any pain killers. damn painful can? my god... the cows are also treated as a milking machine nowadays, they just keep milking and milking and the machines used to milk them often hurts them. somemore right, when the cows give birth, the calves are separated from them. its so painful for them mentally. imagine you and your parents getting separated, how will you feel? then, the young calves will get tied up with a string which goes around their necks to a pole or something. they can't even turn their bodies, or lie down to sleep. same for the cows. also, they will often contact diseases. however, they are not treated and when the disease got too serious, they will just be killed by the workers. the most common ways to get the cows moving are by using metal bars to hit them. they will often be send for auction slaughtering and most of them can't even stand or walk properly on their own (same reason as pigs and hens). so, what will the workers do? use electric sticks and poke the cows, and get them to move faster. whenever the cows cannot move or is moving slowly, the sticks will be used. sucker... well, slaughtering is about the same. a bit different is that they will be skinned alive and had their legs chopped off when they still have consious. i can't, and i don't want to imgine how pain it will be. ---------------------------------------------------- lesson learnt: its' okay not to turn into a vgetarian, but NEVER waste food, because a lot of people is dying from starvation. if you waste the food, wouldn't the pain and death of the animals be a waste? think before wasting food. SUCK YOU IF YOU THOUGHT THAT FOOD IS SO EASY TO COME ABOUT AND WASTE IT. signing off.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
oh yeah~ so hot today. why?! doushite?!
well, nothing much today. had our once every two weeks music lessons and the last supper... No lah! our last PE before holiday.. wa lao, why vampie knight not out yet? a lot of people is desperate for it you know? so desperate! Watashi no zetsubousta!!! alrighty, don't cry, don't cry. 乖,不要再叫了。 ok, yesterday night, me and kc (my soul mate~), are talking about A LOT of horny stuff which can make people scream "idai!!", which means ouch in japanese. haha, can i say? i wanna say leh, then later you say me and my soul mate very horny. say her nevermind, but cannot say me. ai ya, don't say liao, very sian. Joke of the day (a lot of people heard before liao lah, but is only for future reference purposes): 1) hard hard go in, soft soft come out, in out in out, juice come out. guess a thing 2) 你在上面,它在下面,你动他也动,你喊高兴它喊痛. guess an activity that can be done in the day or at night, at your own preference answers shall be disclosed at the next post, stay tune!! signing off~~
Monday, May 19, 2008
Rui Xuan's Bird Day
wa! today celebrated rui xuan's birthday.
lei lei and i got to lot one at around 12.15pm and went to buy two presents for rui xuan. we bought a plastic container and a cup from comic connection. after considering for a while, we decided to wrap it. but where to wrap it leh? so lei lei, or is it me? i forgot... anyway, one of us suggested going to Mini Toons and asked if they can help us wrap the two things if we buy their wrapping paper. You know what that mini toon people at the counter told us? she said, "outside things it is? orh, can, but you have to pray $2 for small stuffs and $5 for big stuffs." smack her lah! the wrapping paper itself is $1 liao leh, then wrap two things, wa lao eh, bok gai liao lah. so, we went to the shop called the Gift It A Name or something. then the auntie there si bei kind leh. we asked her: "auntie, if we buy a wrapping paper from you, but the things that are to be wrapped are not bought from your shop, can you still help us wrap the present?" then she say, "small one can, but not too big lah." then we hand her the cup and she wrapped it for us. we decided to try our luck, or you should say push our luck, and asked her again: "if we pay you $$, can you help us with the bigger one?" cause she quite busy mah, she asked us to wait a while. after that, she asked me to show her the thing lah, which is not very big also. i showed her and she took it and started wrapping. after that when i asked her how much i have to pay, you know what she say? "free lah, nevermind." wa! kind seh! unlike the bloody mini toons lah, ask her help us a bit also don't want, still want to charge us so much $$. 以为自己很多分店就很厉害这样. . . 我告诉你,顾客永远,永远ok,是对的! i DESPISE this kind of people loh. everybody out there! DO NOT support Mini Toons, go against it! roooarrrrrrr! anyway, after that, we went to Food Junction, makan, chit chat chit chat, then went to the playground near Byan's house. played catching, swing, see-saw, slide, monkey bar, ice blend at the playground. then a bit of volleyball, then after that everyone very tired liao so, bought drinks from a vending machine. oh yeah, i'm stupid enough to go and try putting 500 rupiah into the machine, and guess what? THAT MACHINE IS STUPID ENOUGH TO ACTUALLY reject it. disappointed ah... i thought that the 500 rupiahs looked like singapore $1 coin, but alas! it is too light. looks can be very deceiving de neh~ at around 5pm, we went back to lot one again cos the birthday girl is hungry! and she needs to makan! so, they went to makan, then lei lei, minglun, ah ma, me went to comic connection. wa, a lot of hentai manga down there seh!~ got a female sucking a male's.... chest? sounds wrong, but that's the true. after that lei lei went home, and minglun and ah ma, me went to Food Junction to meet up with the rest of the guys. saw rui xuan enjoying her food, and marcus they all si bei desperate to go home. yeah, have sushi after that, with my parents. quite fun lah today. SOMEMORE I FINISHED MY ENGLISH COMPOSITION BEFORE I GO LOT ONE LOH!! double fun. signing off~ must go bathe. mom screaming at the top of her lungs for me to go bathe a few minutes ago...
whoa! i actually decided to post! ._.
going to celebrate ruixuan's birthday later, at cck lot 1. so, yeah, Happy Birthday Ruixuan!! :D shit-to! forgot to get her a present. its all your fault lah! anyway, i will update about this thing after i came back from cck. oh yeah, i have been receiving no tags. it is very devastaing.... DEVASTAING AH! ok, signing off.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
my journey with homework
i see homework running towards me... from all directions. oh! i spotted Miss English, Madam Chinese, Mr Maths among the crowd.
they have been following me around for the past seven years, and they are still haunting me. i'm defenceless against their attacks. they will always find a chance to shoot questions after questions from their guns, at me. i tried screaming and shouting for help; i tried hiding among all the animes and drama shows i could find, but alas! they are too powerful, for i will be found eventually. how i wish that someone will block all their attacks from me, and free me from their evil crotches*. one day, when i was escaping from the trio, i stumbled upon a hard thing. i looked at it and saw that it was actually a lamp, with some tiny words on it. I took a closer look and read," Ah beng and his magical lamp.." i looked inside the lamp and saw an instruction manual. i managed to get the paper out of the lamp and opened the folded piece of paper. it says: AH BENG'S LAMP yo! i am ah beng's lamp. as you can see from my name, my boss is an beng, the 大哥 from 铁头帮. anyway, i can grant you all kinds of things you want. just say! and it will come true lah! confirm can work one! however ah, you have to think carefully before you make any wish hoh, because you only have three wishes, then you anyhow use, then confirm waste diao de wish lah! so must use your brain, think, then wish. ok? good luck ah! oh yeah, you have to feed me three times a day with oil or wax, if not i will die, then your wishes also si liao, no hope. then you want to make a wish right, just rub me... hard, and i will cum... come out. good luck again! yours sincerely AH BENG'S LAMP --------------------------------END OF MESSAGE------------------------------------ "maybe AH BENG'S LAMP can help me?" i thought. so, i rub the lamp very hard using a cloth, and i heard a strange sound coming from the lamp. a genie came out of the lamp right after that, panting heavily and sweating like hell. "ok, i am AH BENG'S LAMP. you read the manual liao right? what wish you want? use your brain, think, then wish hoh. don't waste my bloody time, make it a quick one." said the genie. "erm, i ... i think..." i answered. "wa lao eh, quick lah, just now ask you to think why neber think? i don't care liao. i give you one minute to make that wish. after one minute still have no wish.. hehehe~~" the genie gave an evil smirk before continuing, "THAT WISH WILL BE WASTED!!! HAHAHA!!" "orh, eh eh eh... eh eh eh.... ah! i know! i wish all homework will be gone from me!!" i exclaimed. "eh, sorry, this one cannot be granted. so, 1 wish gone." the genie replied. "what the buck?! why cannot?" "that is the rule mah, you neber read that paper meh? got write that you cannot make a wish on homework, school work, housework, your luck, your health, your wealth, your life and your love. apart from that few, the rest can make a wish. eh, not written there.. anyway, you have one wish left." said the genie. "how come one wish left? i thought two!" si-bei-bui-shong-the-me exclaimed "you just just now ask me how come one wish gone mah, then i explained to you about what you can wish, what you cannot wish, so that one considered one wish mah. eh, don't tell me you forgot hoh? anyway, you got no more wish left." "NIGHTMARE AH!" i screamed. just then, i woke up and broke into sweat. "phew, it was just a nightmare." the next day, when i stepped into the school ground, my right eye started to see lots of little homework demons running towards my direction. that's when her terrible life starts. T.T * it is supposed to be clutches, but somehow, the author dream about evil crotches instead of evil clutches, so let's forgive her! Ah men! 以上故事若有雷同,纯粹属于巧合。谢谢! ah, let's get back to work. signing off~
Friday, May 9, 2008
yes, seriously, what the buck. i actually forgot to bring quite a handful of things to school today. once exams are over, my "relax mode" switches on and i forgot to do a lot of things:
- maths homework which was given during the exams - sign the freaking edusave form for the leadership programme - bring the script for my CME presentation (but today never present, so heng ah) and many many more things which i forgot to remember. but anyway, the day is over, so no need to care about that anymore. oh yeah, before i forgot, something scary happened in class today. its so scary and bloody hell lah. Let me use five words, yes, just five, to describe the scary situation. I > >> >>> >>>> >>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>actually >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>got back my exam papers. scary right? don't you agree? its like this week we finish the exam, this week we got back the papers. how come the teachers can mug, i mean mark so fast? are they robots? i hope not. we got back three subjects lah: geography, physics, maths. i thought i might fail my maths and physics lah, but they passed! :D geography i read like siao, and hoped for something better, but didn't really get a flying colour result lah, so kinda disappointed. ai ya, nevermind, 人生不如意十之八九,何必为了一些不起眼的东西而把自己的心情搞得像大便一样黑呢? whoa! professor yue yu and her holy advices! thank you thank you! please don't praise me anymore le, i might fly into the clouds. *cheers and appalaus* i know i know, i very thick skin. teehee! weekend no homework, tomorrow might go JEC ice skate. yay. MIGHT only. nothing much to talk about le, since my life is so boring. i'm plannning to change the blogskin which is like, so damm plain, and add in songs. maybe a few links also. sometime, but not now. can't be bothered with my blog for the time being. haiz, 现在的blog真难搞!相当年... watever, signing off now.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Second Post
yo people! I am here again! This, is my second post of the week! yeah! =.=
OH YEAH~ there's no lessons today, cause the school organised an interclass sports game competition or something. got volleyball, captains' ball (captain's BALL sounds wrong, but anyway...), netball and of course, floor ball. then it's quite boring lah, cause the game doesn't really interest me a lot, since i'm not really enthu in the first place. But!!! i cheered for my comrades. yeah!! they fought their lives out for a ball loh. wa lao, i si bei 坏 leh.... but the games are really interesting lah, so i shouted "Jia You!" like i have neber done it before, when it came to the exciting parts. so, they fought like hell, just to protect the windmill from being destroyed... so sad.... anyway, the results are not important, the fun experienced during the games are the most important. whoa, i suddenly became so.... TEEHEE! erm, is my post kinda random? i think so though... so, should i continue? yes/no (circle yes) whoa.. so touch. alright, i shall continue. actually i was feeling kinda sian today, cause at first i thought there was no CCA. but, a girl that has the name of onion who came from the veggie planet far far away told me that there is actually DMC. =.= why never tell me the previous day? she explained that she forgot about it =.= x2 alright, she is forgiven. i think... that is basically about my day. haiz, forever boring.. nevermind! tomorrow will be even more beautiful! yes!! signing off....
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
First Post
yo people. this is the first time i posted something on the first blog, this month. so, give me three cheers!
*cheers! cheers! cheers! die off* ok, so lame. nvm.. i just wanted to announce this news to the...... world? ok, maybe not. anyway, well.. there's nothing much to talk about here, since nothing interesting has happened. and so, i will be signing off now. oh yeah, before i forget, i.... need to do my maths homework. :D bye! |