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May 2008
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Thursday, May 22, 2008
Cruel hell...
today during D&T lesson, teacher showed a documentary called "Seeds". its about the promoting of eating vegetable, or better still, become a vegetarian. so they showed us what happens to the cows, pigs and chickens during their lives in the farm (not like those in the countryside, is an industry farm mainly for the rearing of animals to be slaughtered) and when they are slaughtered.
its very cruel loh, and the animals are very 可怜. kind of ironic lah.. like i've been eating them for my whole life and i'm saying that they are very pitiful. but that's what i felt after watching the show lah. they suffered the moment they are born. --------------------------------------------- for the baby chicks right, they got their beaks removed/cut off so as to prevent them from attacking each other and killing themselves. the beak is the most sensitive part of a chicken's body and after having their beaks removed, they can either die from the shock, or suffer the pain for their whole lives. for hens, the ones that are in the farm grow much faster than the hens that grow in the wild, as the wokers always feed them with food that make them grow faster so as to produce more eggs to be sold. this damages the hens organs and they often experience bone fracture. in the end, most of them could no longer stand on their two legs as they are too fat and have grown too fast for the legs to support their bodies. also, they are often stuffed up in cages, and cannot breathe in fresh air, see the outside world. the hens lay around 300 plus eggs each year and this is don't know how many more times from normal hens which are reared by farmers in the countryside. when the hens could not lay anymore eggs, the workers will starve them for about 11-14 days so as to stimulate the hens' body to force them to lay eggs. plus, they are always living among their own shits, and the corposes of their fellow hens which has die from diseases. somemore the space is so small.... for slaughtering, they experienced the most amount of bone fracture as they are thrown here thrown there by the workers into the cages and hung up. why hung them up? orh, because they are going to get their throats cut open while having conscious and have their blood run out. but, but, this is not the end of their tragic life, because after draining their blood, they are still alive.... they are only killed when they are send into this very hot thing, which i forgot is called what, to have their feathers removed. their lives end there. oh yeah, turkeys and ducks are also no better off. in fact, turkeys are worse than hens. but its not elaborated in the video lah, so i also don't know how bad it really is. ---------------------------------------------------- for pigs, when they are born, their ears, tails, teeth and lanjiao will be removed, forcefully without any painkillers. can you imagine how pain it is? the piglets are like squeaking away in high pitch sound while having those removed. why removed them? i mean, so cruel lah. then they will also be cramped up in small spaces and same as the hens, grow so fast until their four legs could no longer have the strength to support their bodies. so sad? that's not the end. there is bound to be some weak pigs that can't grow much. so what happens when they can't grow? they get killed. first, they will be thrown onto the ground. the workers will hold onto their two back legs, then throw them onto the ground, several times until the pigs are too weak to even move. then, a gun will be used to end their lives. why kill them? because keeping the pigs will be waste of food and water, thus wasting money. MONEY! can you imagine it? just for $$. the only time the pigs get to see the outside world is...? care to make a guess? Ans: on the way to be slaughtered. yes, that's the only time. kinda sad isn't it? now i know why the animals in animal farm want to rebel. when the pigs are to be slaughtered, its kinda same as the hens, got hung up, have their throats sliced, let the blood spurts out and send for heating for fur removal, before they die. -------------------------------------------------- lastly, for cows, they have their horns removed (in the video, there got show a worker removing a cow's horn and the cow is mooing away in pain. blood was seen spurting out from the wound), and a burn mark is put onto them without any pain killers. damn painful can? my god... the cows are also treated as a milking machine nowadays, they just keep milking and milking and the machines used to milk them often hurts them. somemore right, when the cows give birth, the calves are separated from them. its so painful for them mentally. imagine you and your parents getting separated, how will you feel? then, the young calves will get tied up with a string which goes around their necks to a pole or something. they can't even turn their bodies, or lie down to sleep. same for the cows. also, they will often contact diseases. however, they are not treated and when the disease got too serious, they will just be killed by the workers. the most common ways to get the cows moving are by using metal bars to hit them. they will often be send for auction slaughtering and most of them can't even stand or walk properly on their own (same reason as pigs and hens). so, what will the workers do? use electric sticks and poke the cows, and get them to move faster. whenever the cows cannot move or is moving slowly, the sticks will be used. sucker... well, slaughtering is about the same. a bit different is that they will be skinned alive and had their legs chopped off when they still have consious. i can't, and i don't want to imgine how pain it will be. ---------------------------------------------------- lesson learnt: its' okay not to turn into a vgetarian, but NEVER waste food, because a lot of people is dying from starvation. if you waste the food, wouldn't the pain and death of the animals be a waste? think before wasting food. SUCK YOU IF YOU THOUGHT THAT FOOD IS SO EASY TO COME ABOUT AND WASTE IT. signing off. |