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204!! she who shall never be revealed Kc Yue Cong Cheryl Lim Madeline Bok Woon Rui Xuan Prisillia Hui Ling Jia Min Li Qing Pui Shan Man Ling Qi Kai Cheryl Yeo Javier Chong You Marissa Zi Yi Engrish.com TalkingCock.com MrBrownShow.com
May 2008
June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 |
Monday, December 29, 2008
1. What is your full name?
Lee Yue Yu 2. Are you single? of course. 3. What is your favourite number[s]? 8 4.What is/are your favourite colour? blue 5.Least favourite colour[s]? VERY bright colours especially HOT pink 6.What are you thinking now? thinking about how to answer this question and i thought that this shall be my way to answer this question 7. Are you happy with your life right now? yeah satisfied 8.What are your favourite subjects in school? i'm ok with most subjects except physics and art? 9. Do you shop at malls? sometimes 10.Where do you wish to be right now? just where i am now, in front of the computer 11. What should you be doing now? playing com? 12.Do you have any crush on anyone? naw lah~ 13.When was the last time you bought a clothing item? today 14. What was the last thing you drank? soup 15. Do you hate liars? Do you hate backstabbers? curse them. 16. Can you make yourself sneeze? haha like i will do it 17.Do you fall for people easily? no i think. 18. What does your last text msg read? ok (seriously i'm not kidding) 19. Are you too forgiving? sometimes 20.How many windows are open on your computer? 5 windows.... and no doors 21.Who was your last call from? kc 22.What do you do with most of your time? slack 23.Will you & your ex get back again? sadly, i have no ex to get back again with :D 24.Do you sleep with the TV on? no way 25. Which of your close friends live the closest? kc 26.Which item could you not live during the day? oxygen, food, water, fun 27. Would you share a drink with a stranger? if its a complete stranger, then no way. however, if it is someone whom i know but are not close with and he or she is dying of thirst, i will. i so kind~ 28.How was your weekend? fine. 29.Do you believe ex[s] can be friends? yeah 30. The last person you quarrelled with? forgot haha 31.The way to win your heart? dont lose to it :D 32.What did you do last night? sleep... and dream 33. Do you have the same name as one of your relatives? no lah 34.Are you looking for a boyf/girlf? yeah right haha. O.O 35.One song that is meaningful to you? dont have a specific one. i just love songs with good rhythms. 36.Do you twirl or scoop your spaghetti? twirl 37.Do you drink milk straight from the carton? nope 38.How long is your hair? just cut it, its below my ears by a little bit 39.Do you like batman? yeah i prefer ultraman =.='' 40.Who was the last person who told you that they love you? NOBODY. BOOHOO!~~~~ T.T 41.When was the last time you sang out loud? yesterday over the phone 42.What did you have for breakfast? some kind of baby food stuff which is semi liquid but its not baby food lah 43.Is your birthday on a holiday? for this year it is 44.Can you cook? a bit lah. at least i got go through home econs lesson before mah. 45.Where did you get the shirt you are wearing? from some stalls along the street? 46.What was the reason for the last troubles you were in? not aware enough 47.which do you wear more? sweats 0r jeans? jeans 48. When is your birthday? 31st August (special right? last day of August) 49. Do you swear alot? how you know?! 50. What was your first achoholic drink? is chinese herb wine considered? 51.Do you have any regrets? yeah, but not major ones 52. Who would you like to see now? no one 53.Have the cops ever come to your house? no i DONT thing so... 54. Are you a social or anti-social person? neutral point people... 55.Who are your best friends? Are you still friends with them? my hotdog. yeah still talking that hotdog everyday. 56. Ever been in love? YES, WITH BIG BANG'S GD, D GRAY MAN'S ALLEN WALKER, THE WHOLE OF SKIP BEAT AND KUROSHITSUJI !!!!!!! 57. Ever had braces? nope. 58. What do you wear to bed? clothes. 59.Who was the last person who disappointed you? no one. 60. Do you trust people? kinda but i'm not gullible though 61. Who was the first person you talked to today? mom. 62. Who was the first person who texted you today? yimin. 63. what was the first thing you did today? open my eyes~ 64.Ten people to tag: 1. manling 2. lei lei 3. yi min 4. marissa 5. cindy 6. cheryl yeo 7. jia min 8. li qing 9. cheryl lim 10. madeline signing off~ |