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204!! she who shall never be revealed Kc Yue Cong Cheryl Lim Madeline Bok Woon Rui Xuan Prisillia Hui Ling Jia Min Li Qing Pui Shan Man Ling Qi Kai Cheryl Yeo Javier Chong You Marissa Zi Yi Engrish.com TalkingCock.com MrBrownShow.com
May 2008
June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 |
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
ok people, its 2009 new year resolution time!! haha. Below are my resolutions: - Voice out my opinion when I think something is not really correct. seriously, sometimes I just kept quiet about my opinion as I thought that they are stupid or whatsoever. Next year, which is cumming 1 hour later or so, I SHALL CHANGE. HAHAHA. - Correct someone when they pronounce my name wrongly LOL i dunno why but people tend to pronounce my name wrongly, probably because it sounds very chinese. really man, people can pronounce my name in such a twisted and distorted way that I dont recognise them anymore! Haha, just kidding. :P - Think before I do or say anything haiz. I have been damn lao kui at many times due to my "weird" actions and language. shall not say anymore. thinking about it makes me wanna kill myself. just let me kill myself!! no!! dont stop me!! nono!! ok, no one is stopping me. *starts crying* - DO NOT regret decisions which I have made earlier, or rather, decide properly before making decisions KYAHAHAHA. It has been so many times this year that I made decisions which I regretted after that. In the end, I have to go through damn lots of trouble trying to make amendments. haiz... - TRY to lessen the usage of vulgarities. Examples of words I often use: Fuck, Fucker, Shit, Damn, Your mother lah (english version), 他妈的 (chinese version), 去死啦, 神经病. 呵呵~ 那些都不算什么啦!不就是有什么用什么? - Take eye breaks HUH?! sounds random I know. But oh man!~ my specs are getting thicker and thicker you see? so must protect. *Ultraman jumps in* *He starts firing his protection ray* *My eyes are protected!!* yeah right. ok, so basically that's all. signing off~ and here I cum, 2009!! (and get lost you little jerk, 2008!)
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
haiz, school reopening this friday.
> > > > > > > > > > > > Whoever read this post shall be pissed off. > > > > TOTALLY. :D:D
Monday, December 29, 2008
1. What is your full name?
Lee Yue Yu 2. Are you single? of course. 3. What is your favourite number[s]? 8 4.What is/are your favourite colour? blue 5.Least favourite colour[s]? VERY bright colours especially HOT pink 6.What are you thinking now? thinking about how to answer this question and i thought that this shall be my way to answer this question 7. Are you happy with your life right now? yeah satisfied 8.What are your favourite subjects in school? i'm ok with most subjects except physics and art? 9. Do you shop at malls? sometimes 10.Where do you wish to be right now? just where i am now, in front of the computer 11. What should you be doing now? playing com? 12.Do you have any crush on anyone? naw lah~ 13.When was the last time you bought a clothing item? today 14. What was the last thing you drank? soup 15. Do you hate liars? Do you hate backstabbers? curse them. 16. Can you make yourself sneeze? haha like i will do it 17.Do you fall for people easily? no i think. 18. What does your last text msg read? ok (seriously i'm not kidding) 19. Are you too forgiving? sometimes 20.How many windows are open on your computer? 5 windows.... and no doors 21.Who was your last call from? kc 22.What do you do with most of your time? slack 23.Will you & your ex get back again? sadly, i have no ex to get back again with :D 24.Do you sleep with the TV on? no way 25. Which of your close friends live the closest? kc 26.Which item could you not live during the day? oxygen, food, water, fun 27. Would you share a drink with a stranger? if its a complete stranger, then no way. however, if it is someone whom i know but are not close with and he or she is dying of thirst, i will. i so kind~ 28.How was your weekend? fine. 29.Do you believe ex[s] can be friends? yeah 30. The last person you quarrelled with? forgot haha 31.The way to win your heart? dont lose to it :D 32.What did you do last night? sleep... and dream 33. Do you have the same name as one of your relatives? no lah 34.Are you looking for a boyf/girlf? yeah right haha. O.O 35.One song that is meaningful to you? dont have a specific one. i just love songs with good rhythms. 36.Do you twirl or scoop your spaghetti? twirl 37.Do you drink milk straight from the carton? nope 38.How long is your hair? just cut it, its below my ears by a little bit 39.Do you like batman? yeah i prefer ultraman =.='' 40.Who was the last person who told you that they love you? NOBODY. BOOHOO!~~~~ T.T 41.When was the last time you sang out loud? yesterday over the phone 42.What did you have for breakfast? some kind of baby food stuff which is semi liquid but its not baby food lah 43.Is your birthday on a holiday? for this year it is 44.Can you cook? a bit lah. at least i got go through home econs lesson before mah. 45.Where did you get the shirt you are wearing? from some stalls along the street? 46.What was the reason for the last troubles you were in? not aware enough 47.which do you wear more? sweats 0r jeans? jeans 48. When is your birthday? 31st August (special right? last day of August) 49. Do you swear alot? how you know?! 50. What was your first achoholic drink? is chinese herb wine considered? 51.Do you have any regrets? yeah, but not major ones 52. Who would you like to see now? no one 53.Have the cops ever come to your house? no i DONT thing so... 54. Are you a social or anti-social person? neutral point people... 55.Who are your best friends? Are you still friends with them? my hotdog. yeah still talking that hotdog everyday. 56. Ever been in love? YES, WITH BIG BANG'S GD, D GRAY MAN'S ALLEN WALKER, THE WHOLE OF SKIP BEAT AND KUROSHITSUJI !!!!!!! 57. Ever had braces? nope. 58. What do you wear to bed? clothes. 59.Who was the last person who disappointed you? no one. 60. Do you trust people? kinda but i'm not gullible though 61. Who was the first person you talked to today? mom. 62. Who was the first person who texted you today? yimin. 63. what was the first thing you did today? open my eyes~ 64.Ten people to tag: 1. manling 2. lei lei 3. yi min 4. marissa 5. cindy 6. cheryl yeo 7. jia min 8. li qing 9. cheryl lim 10. madeline signing off~
Saturday, December 27, 2008
haha, another quiz
ARE YOU: Perfect: no body is perfect in this world: i am no body. naw lah~ Tall: fuck you In your pajamas: when i'm sleeping, yes Left handed: right handed LAST Friend you saw: my cca girls Talked to on the phone: kc Person to text you: kc FAVORITE: Number: 8, 5 Color: blue!! Food: so long it is nice. Place: my home QUESTIONS & ANSWERS: Q: What was the first thing you did this morning when you got up ? open eyes Q: Do you have anything bothering you? temporarily no lah, just wondering about who my classmates will be next year and if they happen to be some bad people it will be a very dreadful two years... OMG!!!!! WHAT SHOULD I DO?! yeah you know that feeling don't you? *nod nod* Q: What's the last movie you watched in theaters? TWILIGHT Q: Where is the last place you went? the barbershop Q. Do you smile a lot? ok ok lah, i just laugh crazily sometimes :D Q: Do you wish upon stars? oh, i saw a comet flying towards me. Q: Are you a friendly person? damn friendly []_[] Q: Where did you sleep last night? MY BED, NOT IN SOME HOTEL YOU *****! Q: Why did you sleep there? why not? O.O Q: When was the last time you cried? haha, forgot. oh yeah, when i ate curry a few weeks ago Q: What was your last thought before going to bed? i dont tend to think too much before sleep Q: Rate life as of right now, one being bad, ten being great? 5, its at a neutral point Q: What do you hear right now? kc trying her atmost effort to sing 4 minutes by timberlake and madonna Q: Does anything hurt you right now? ahh~ i'm hurt~ Q: What's your favorite month? August EMOTIONS: Are you missing someone right now ? no freaking way Are you single ? yes freaking way Are you tired ? no, i still want to watch 我猜 at 11.30pm Are your parents still married ? DUH BASICS: Real name? Lee Yue Yu (is it real enough?) Age? 14 currently Eye color? brownish black Male or female? female Single? what happens if i said 'yes' when i said 'no' on top? Crushing? yes, i said a comet is crushing towards me Smart? ok ok lah Hair color? black Sweats or Jeans? jeans Phone or Camera? phone Health freak? not really Righty or Lefty? righty Smoke or Drink? NONE FIRSTS: First best friend? i have no friend. *starts crying* First award? i dunno eh, maybe there's none.... nooo!!! First enemy? i dunno eh. i so friendly de :D First pet? turtle First vacation? to my mother's hometown in 海口 CURRENTLY: Eating? no Drinking? no Listening to? kc crapping Plans for tomorrow? wait and see Waiting for? 我猜to show WHICH IS BETTER WITH THE OPPOSITE GENDER: Lips or eyes? eyes shorter or taller? not too tall, not too short Romantic or spontaneous? spontaneous Sensitive or loud? sensitive Hook-up or in a relationship? I DUNNO LAH. ASK EXPERTS CAN?! HAVE YOU EVER: Drank hard drinks? yes Lost glasses/contacts? no Ran away from home? i dont like running, if can walk is better Broken someone's heart? i'm not sensitive ya know~ Been arrested? siao. ANSWER TRUTHFULLY: Do you like someone? anime! allen! Are you seriously happy with where you are in life? yeah, quite satisfied
Pass this to 10 ppl:
1. kc 2. lei lei 3. yimin 4. cindy 5. jiamin 6. marissa 7. li qing 8. cheryl yeo 9. cheryl lim 10. madeline 1. Who's the person that tagged you? man ling 2. Relationship between you and her? friend 3. Three impressions of her? cheerful, hardworking, active 4. If she becomes your enemy, you will? not likely for that to happen 5. What will you say to the person you like very much? define like. (naw lah~ erm i will say nothing cause i very shy *blush*) 6. Characteristic i like about myself? funneh 7. Characteristic i hate about myself? regret decisions after making one 8. For the person whom you hate, you say? fuck you 9. What do people feel about you? normal ba, like normal people around them 10. Your crush? is a boy 11. If 5 & 7 were together? sian, do you have to turn girls into lesbians everytime?! 12. Who does 5 like? erm, i think sunrise? 13. What colour does 9 like? not sure 14. Say something about 8? hehe~ same primary school as me~ 15. Who is 2? my friend 16. Talk about 3. don't know how to put games into psp 17. Who is 10's best friend? no. 9 18. Who is the sexiest among all 10? kc!! my foot ah. Cheryl Lim lah:D 19. What colour does 4 like? bright colours? 20. Is 4 single? yeah 21. Your relationship with 1? homie 都叫我热狗for show... ON-LINE! 22. Are 5 & 6 best friends? have they met before? 23. 9's surname? LIM 24. 7's nickname? i dunno eh 25. Say something to 8. haha~ same secondary school as me~ 26. Say something to help 9. help! help me! 27. Who do i admire? 财神 (money god); please give me more ang bao money :D 28. Where do 1 live? Blk ***, #09-***, ******** Road, (s)6** *** (cant say too much here can I?) 29. 10 of them know who you like? no lah, siao. 30. Say something to 6 when you see him. you're horny~ and its a her btw 31. 10's spouse? hehe~ you know i know, no need say liao lah :D Now tag at 10 ppl to do tis quiz: 1. kc 2. lei lei 3. yimin 4. cindy 5. jiamin 6. marissa 7. li qing 8. cheryl yeo 9. cheryl lim 10. madeline signing off~
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
yo, haha just dreamt about something during my afternoon nap just now (around now around 1pm until 2pm).
i was dreaming that our class was going for an exhibition at the zoo, then we are going there by bus number 1B. While we are lining to go up the double-decker bus with other classes' pupils at the front of the line, the uncle started driving the bus slowly. Dunno for what reason, the concrete floor started to move with the bus and hand rails appeared out of nowhere for us to hold on while the floor moves (???!!!!) o.O The most qian bian thing is that when the other classes' pupils all got up the bus, the uncle shut the door leh!! TMD!!! then someone (i forgot who) bang his fist into the window, then the uncle got scared i think, and opened the door again and everyone got in the bus. (haiz, the uncle so 现实) Then somehow it linked to another dream, which i named it "the canteen dream". I dreamt that we got to a canteen which looked like the Greenridge Shopping Centre Kopitiam with all the stalls layout and all that. so erm, everyone is 打包-ing food, finding seats, eating, doing all the 有的没的. LOL very weird i know. and somehow, it ended cause my mom asking me to wake up to eat lunch (she 打包ed it from the kopitiam) Haha, i think i know why i dreamt of kopitiam and 打包: cause its lunch time mah, and i haven eat yet. i very 贪吃 i know *nod nod* ok, signing off~
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
yo. bought new year clothes and a pair of shoes. considering to buy some "undergarments".
aiyo, what are you thinking about man?! i mean by pants, jeans and all that: those that you wear BELOW, at the waist. Haha, pictures are as shown (they look better in real life O.O):
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
wa finally. after 搞-ing my blog's new skin's code, tada! its new! with a new song as well.
LOL, i often 喜新厌旧 搜里啦~ 没事做时就忍不住想找个新的来换掉旧的. ok erm, just like that, i'm off to my anime and taiwan drama again. bie bie.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
呼呼!~ 搜里啦!this few days haven't been posting~
actually i'm watching 不良笑花 this few days and have been slacking since then. at first i'm watching a few animes: skip beat, toradora, kuroshitsuji, but then all not out yet, so i decided to watch a taiwan drama first. LOL, i'm very free hoh? i agree. erm, oh yeah, the appeal results is out and i found out that i got into the class i appealed for!!! yay~ :DD so after knowing which class i got in, i went to buy the textbooks, so now left with 2 books haven't buy, cause i can't find them in the Popular. The two unlucky-and-unwanted-and-unpopular(cause its not found in the "Popular" you see)-and-whatever it is books are *drum rolls*: Farenheit 451 & As Economics!!! yayyyyyy!~ lol i know i'm very lame... :D ok, so homework left: - study 250 成语 - one more 剪报 - getting the two books from school bookshop signing off since i have nothing much more to talk about and i wanted to coninue my drama which is quite funny and worth watching and somemore i wanted to finish my homework quicker so that i can have more free time to watch my anime and dramas more peacefully as i do not have to worry about my homework while watching shows in this way. once again, signing off~ |