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204!! she who shall never be revealed Kc Yue Cong Cheryl Lim Madeline Bok Woon Rui Xuan Prisillia Hui Ling Jia Min Li Qing Pui Shan Man Ling Qi Kai Cheryl Yeo Javier Chong You Marissa Zi Yi Engrish.com TalkingCock.com MrBrownShow.com
May 2008
June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 |
Sunday, June 29, 2008
ok, i have just created a true friend test.
Just Do It. ^^ Remember to do it. :D Must do it!! XD thank you for your time and goodbye~ signing off~
Saturday, June 28, 2008
wakaka! yo guys! well, i've been loading The Legend and D Gray Man ep 89 (ahh!!!!! so nice!!!! >< this has been the first time i'm so crazy over an anime!!!!!) on youtube and veoh tv, until just now the freaking Internet Explorer lagged, and i have to force quit it, and now i'm loading the two shows again.
well, doing the English argumentative while loading. sian ah!~ still doing the first paragraph since ...11am? LOL lah, i can take a whole day to finish a compo if i don't feel like doing it. tmr going to meet my cousin at my 奶奶家. her family and her just came back from US and have to go meet her. i PRAY that i can finish my compo before tmr lah, i don't want to wait until tmr then finish. fuck. while wasting my time typing crap here, i found out that i have not finished a loooooooot of things. ok, i go do now. signing off~
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
randomly, i will just post one or two jokes when i have nothing to post about. LOL, just have a good laugh!!! :)) they will be yellow and blue jokes.
Joke 1 Why Chinese shouldn’t have Christian names: Anne Chang Mandarin - Dirty Anne Chin Mandarin - Keep Quiet Faye Chen Mandarin - Dusty Carl Cheng Hokkien - Buttock Monica Cheng Hokkien - Touch your buttock Lucy Leow Hokkien - You are dead Jane Tan Mandarin - Frying eggs Suzie Leow Hokkien - Lost till death Henry Mah Mandarin - Hate you mum Corrine Tai Hokkien - Poor fellow Paul Chen Mandarin - Bankrupt Nelson Tan Mandarin - Bird laying eggs Leslie Tong Mandarin - Rubbish bin Carmen Teng Hokkien - Leg hair long Connie Mah Cantonese - Call your mum Danny S! ee Hokkien - Squeeze you to death Rosie Teng Hokkien - Screws and nails Pete Tsai Hokkien - Nose droppings Macy Koh Cantonese - Never die before Joke 2 英文其实不难, “快”叫发死, “脸”叫飞死, “姿势”叫破死, “请”叫霹雳死, “邀人跳舞”叫赌又万土电死, 对方听完肯定会被你笑死。 happy? high? signing off~
Sunday, June 22, 2008
uhuh uhuh~ just now i was talking on the phone with kc when she announced that, drum rolls!!!!! THAT SHE HAD MANAGED TO BIT A PORTION OF HER TOOTH OFF.
!!! WHAT THE BUCK?! this shows that her teeth is growing healthy and strong. *nod nod* oh yeah, celebrated kc's birthday at K Box yesterday. well, of course not with me alone, but together with her another 3 friends from her class: irene, meien and kheehui. wa, we went crazy man. first we had our lunch at pizza hut and played two rounds of 终极密码 game or whatever you call it to clear off the pizza. sway sway meien tio two times, but she too full liao, so played another round and kheehui was the unlucky one. then discussed and chit chat chit chat for a while and decided to go to the K Box at JEC instead of the K Box plaza at Ang Mo Kio. kc paid for the meal (感恩啊!~) and we walked around lot one. lol lah, we are walking and chatting when suddenly someone patted me on the shoulder. !! who could it be? make a guess. its HUILING. huiling: i bought this black coloured paper. you just have to pay around $1++, is it okay? me (haven't react to it) : erm, yeah, can. huiling: ok bye bye *walks off* me (react to it and shouted to her) : Oi! next time don't just pat on my shoulder, say what $1 and walks off leh?! LOL lah! so surprising to meet her there. anyway, after walking, we proceeded to JEC. kc they all bet with me that there will confirm be at least one RVian at JEC (cause its their turf or something). at first i don't believe them, but we saw like around 6 RVians along the way to JEC. fine, i lose. okay? T.T when we got to JEC, first we went to book a room for 5, and since there is around 30 minutes to 2pm, we went to the arcade. kc, me and meien played two drum games there..... which is all payed by kc. hahaha! :D oh yeah, got one game is use the drum sticks to hit the drum, then one of the drum sticks has wood thorns on it and one of the freaking thorns pierced me. TMD! it was like, suddenly got a piercing pain and when i looked at it, wa lao eh, got a thorn there. so i took it out and it was a little bit of blood. i tried not to look at the wound but can't control the temptation and noticed that it was swollen, by a little little little bit. so, i took out my handy danty plaster. the plaster has once again saved the day! and may the thorn go to hell. when it was around 2pm, we proceeded to K Box, signed in the room and started our get high plus sing-along-with-the-person-in-the-MV session!!!! yeah!! at first, everyone was singing and singing while waiting for our finger food (it took a bloody long time to come), then we played a game called the "continue the song" game. we will first play the song, let the pair playing to see and listen to the first sentence of the song. after that, we will mute the song and get the pair to turn around and start singing! XD if they got more than 5 mistakes while singing, we will do the forfeit. LOL, of course, i also got do, and a video of it is taken somemore, but do you think i will show you? no way! muahahaha! i will only show others *evil grin* below are some pictures taken: yeah, there are several times we are so high until we stood on the sofas and jump and scream while singing. that's how high we are! >< so while singing and playing, the fries and nudgets came, finally. 你知道我们等你很久了吗?we had actually rushed them for the food for three times! one, two, three times you know! so everyone started eating and no one bothers to sing, for that moment. then after that we sang a happy birthday song to kc! ai ya! too bad no cake and candles, so we asked her to blow... a fries? =.='' oh yeah, got one part quite interesting. meien, irene and kheehui went to the toilet. ok, that's not the point. when they came back, one of the staff helped them to open the door. me and kc asked them,"what happen? how come the guy helped your open the door?" then they explain,"when we came back we are lost ma, so he asked what room we are in and we told him is K12. so he lead us back loh." however, after that meien went out again and when she came back, that guy helped her to open the door again!! so we asked her,"how come that guy opened the door for you again?" she replied,"dunnoe leh." and so, we came to this conclusion: that guy is very free and has nothing to do at all. that's the best explanation we can think off. at around 5 o'clock, meien left. after saying good bye, we continued the game for a while and started singing old old songs, like Uptown Girls (there is this scene in the MV whereby a girl is running and her short dress flew upwards. we are like, whoa! i thought the underwear is black in colour while others thought is orange or grey or sth), then still got a hokkien song called 爱拼才会赢, and after that is Unchained Melody by Air Supply (wa, the rhythm hoh, is si bei slow lah) and finally, a song by 小哥费玉清 (which the name is forgotten). before we leave, we 自恋 a bit and took a few photos. ^^ =.='' oh yeah, on the lrt train back home, me and kc got nothing to do, and her hand is getting bored too, so it started posing. alrighty, so fun at the K Box, especially the game. its me who thought of the game actually!! thank you thank you!! haha, can play that game next time i go to K Box. also, kc thought that she sound funny and retarded if i call her by the name of "Your Highness" and started forcing me to say it. so listen carefully, for i'm going to call thou: "YOUR HIGHNESS, retarded... XD" ok, signing off~
Friday, June 20, 2008
ok, after 2 minutes, it will be kc's birthday.
so, let's count down: 3 2 1 !! wait, not yet. erm, just wait a while. one minute past liao. left one more minutes. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KC!!!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
yay! i finally changed my blogskin. again!! i thought that the previous one is a bit too difficult to read the words.
so, i changed into the easy-to-read and cool-to-see blogskin. nice right? CANNOT SAY NOT NICE. 乖~ ok, 2 more days to kc's birthday. counting down~ my quote for the day: 一分钟~ by 徐老师. :D whoa! short and sweet post, finished!! signing off~
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
just came back from Lot one and bought kc's present. her birthday 4 days later. *sigh* 都已经快十四岁了还那么的幼稚,真搞不懂现在的年轻人...
ok, want to see what i buy for her? scroll down then!! =) > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ![]() you think i will show you? you are so naive! MUAHAHA! ---------------------------------------------------------- ok, i just got back from chalet yesterday, although its suppose to end today lah. i tried to blog about the fun things happened there yesterday, but i am very sleepy and the things i typed are all over the place, so here i am, posting now. erm, there are two days in all. yeah. Day One: i woke up at around 10.30am, brush teeth, eat my breakfast (which is suppose to be lunch also) pack my things, use com and after that, set off to cck mrt station to meet with the other earthlings from 204. when i reached there, jiamin, ke yun, lei lei, xiao shuang, hui ling, ah ma, and some boys are already there. after that, we waited for the rest and started to take the 1hr plus mrt trip to Pasir Ris. chatted and chatted, reach le then change to bus. i spotted a spider crawling towards javier's bag and tried to warn him but the spider is too fast for him. after a short while, we reached the chalet. i shall go faster on this part. pui shan aunt help to check in, then we all gana (how to spell, don't say i'm a noob!) invisible chope on hand, go in, put down bags and explored the place. at first, we just sit there and eat snacks, play die di, watch tv. rui xuan and prisillia used the cosmetics they had brought and drew funny things on their faces. si bei funny i tell you. they helped bok woon after that. si bei funny, we all laugh until faint. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() rui xuan coming out of the bathroom with soap on her face. flower! flower! its growing! LOL. after that, we went mac and ate. i had a strawberry sundae. it taste not bad but jsut a bit TOO sweet. its not very sweet lah, its just TOO sweet only. i took a picture of that. after that, the girls together with minglun and bok woon went to Fairprice to buy snacksssss and drinkssss. its at a shopping centre near the chalet, around a 10~15 minutes walk can reach le, quite near actually. there, we saw instant noodles which they sell at $2.45 for 2. everyone went crazy and after a while, theres not much instant noodles (as in the $2.45 ones) left on the shelf. whoa! we are pro man! then we went back. at around 7pm, we started bathing. I know what you are thinking: no, we did NOT bath together, and yes, we 轮流. so horny... when every girls are finished, except for puishan who went for her churh BBQ, we started the $2.45 for 2-instant-noodle-tasting session while watching 唯我独尊. everyone is like cheering away for their most favourite. ^^ the boys cheered for the female competitor and the girls cheered for the male competitor. sounds kinda wrong but we like it! =D oh yeah, the show lasted from 7.30pm to 11pm. si bei long lah. after that, we had the ghost~ movie~ watching~ session~. not scary at all. so fake lah the movie. we watched "The Eye" and "Haunted School". its soo boring lah. we watched the eye not even half then sian liao. so changed to haunted school. its not scary at all also. we even tried forwarding the show to see if there is anything scary at the back. the ending is suckish also. so, after two movies, most people go for their night walk. so the whole chalet is left with me, lei lei, rui xuan, prisillia and kin hiong. rui xuan and prisillia wanna sleep, and lei lei want to do her hw (hardworking neh~), so i went to the another room with kin hiong and watched 女佣. i can't be bothered to continue the show: its too sian liao, but some of them came back and were sleeping in that room after that, so i off it. went back to my own room, listen to MP4, with nothing to do. after that more and more people came back. those tired ones went to one room to sleep while the others went to the another one to play. quietly. during that time, me, lei lei and bok woon went to Cheers and buy milk for weihao since we got nothing to do anyway. we also ate an green apple and played dunno how many rounds of die di. BUT TOO BAD! the night is still young, yet we can't do anything. then more and more people got tired and went to sleep at the next room. me and lei lei slept too. i cannot sleep and only managed to take an 30 minutes nap, cause rui xuan and prisillia is like two live radios, singing away. eh, their voices not bad actually, can go for 校园superstar and all those singing competition. then after a while, we started to protest and they continued singing. LOL lah, i was kinda laughing away inside cause it feels so strange to be in a quiet room, with people snoring away and two girls singing. a very weird combo neh~ in the end, rui xuan, pris (prisillia for short, you won't mind right?), minglun, bryan and i was like chatting away while the others are sleeping. haha. we even laughed out loudly. then bryan, at his own perspective, said that rui xuan looks kinda scary and her face is white. so, i took a look and found out that its true. ai ya, should have took a photo of it. but its too dark, unless i use flash, but that will blind rui xuan. see? i care about my friends. thank you thank you! haha!! rui xuan quite amazing leh, she can sleep after closing her eyes for a short while only. whoa! BEWARE: THE FOLLOWING PICTURE MIGHT CAUSE DIAHORREA, DIZZINESS AND OTHER SIDE EFFECTS. IF YOU ARE BELOW EIGHTEEN, PLEASE PRESS ALT + F4 NOW!!! you will proceed anyway... ![]() i think i slept around 6am and according to lei lei, i was found to be in a funny sleeping position. she said i crossed my legs and my body bend halfway downwards. lol i don't know lah. Day 2: (fine fine, i know i've been crapping about a lot of things since jsut now, its the 2nd, which is also the last day liao, so just 忍一下can liao. learn to endure baby! =D ) after having our breakfast at.. where is it? wait let me think for a short while... *1 hour later* oh yeah, the mac again. i had... what did i had *2 hours later* oh yeah, Filet O Fish burger with a harsh brown and coke. after breakfast, lei lei and i tried finding the Bicycle Kiosk in the direction shown by the stupid signboard but cannot find leh. What the buck.... so most of the girls and some of the boys went to the escape. the rest of the boys either sleep or play psp. me and lei lei more creative. you know what we do? we went to the shopping centre which has the Fairprice which sells the $2.45 instant noodle and played arcade there. we each spend around $15 in there. but its fun mah! got nothing to do! 偶尔一次没关系的啦, hoh? yeah right. played driving, dancing, shooting, and even children games. we managed to get 60 tickets and exchanged it for a light stick. lol lah, we so lame, so big liao still play with those funny funny stuff. after that we decided that since we got nothing to do, let's go and watch a movie instead. so, we bought the tickets for "Missing, 深海寻人". lei lei thought that it was expensive to buy the drinks sold in the cinema, so i went and asked the guy (the one that stands at the door of the cinema and collect tickets.) if we can bring outside mineral water in. he said can. then we went all the way down again and wanted to buy the mineral water, but we found this apple and peach flavoured "mineral water" down there. its something like pink dolphin: colourless and has a taste. we don't know if we can bring that in and so, we went all the way up again and asked the staff. lei lei: can we bring peach flavoured mineral water in? the guy: huh? peach flavoured mineral water? lei lei: yeah, peach flavoured. the guy: uh... uh... yeah, can. yay!! so, we went all the way down again and bought the drinks. after that, we had a hard time looking for the damn toilet. actually right, the movie quite nice leh. its a suspense thriller. the male lead, which is a ghost, with no head, has the same name as our chair man, GUO DONG. wa lao eh, so funny lah. for example: (they are actually speaking in mandarian but i just type it in english) the female lead (named gao jing in the show): guo dong! how c0me you die le? *cry and cry* do you know that i missed you very much? how can die like that?! guo dong, at least show yourself can? (she's referring to the ghost of guo dong).... so on and so forth. lei lei and me was so shocked when we saw that name lah. wa lao. i shall not talk about what the movie is about. you shall check it out yourself. :D after that we went back. watch a bit of 娱乐百分百 and went down for BBQ at around 4.45pm, i think... some photos taken during the BBQ(its lame alrighty): ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() all the food XD ![]() ![]() ![]()
ok, i have posted all about the things about chalet liao. haha!! i know i si bei long winded, every small detail also type in. ok, signing off~
Sunday, June 15, 2008
oh yeah~ chalet~ uhuh uhuh~
i shall take photos *click click*, and post them after i come back from chalet. gonna endure a long 1 hour plus plus trip, so i thought that since there is nothing to do on the mrt train, i might as well try to memorise some songs' lyrics. just printed out a sheet of Jap Anime ( >.< ) lyrics sheet. gonna endure, baby~ started packing at around 10.30AM just now, and went online to do the math test. 我不想在去chalet之前有功课还没有做完. i haven finish my maths tuition hw. but who cares? i only had tuition yesterday, not enough time to do lah, don't care don't care. Message to Kangchyi: although i am out there enjoying myself, and most likely to get sunburnt again, but i will always think of you. so in the meantime, please play with 小明. you have neglected him for a few days. Look, his crying away. ok, thou art thee shalt ( i sound so profound, but there was actually no meaning to it :D ) ps. I love you Yours 诚心的, Yue Yu ok, its very gross. in case you don't know, kangchyi is a girl, don't mistaken her for a half. actually i don't know how long i am going to continue this post, but i wanted to finish typing any shit i can think of now until 12.00pm sharp before i off the computer. its 11.58AM now. *1 second later* its 11.59AM now. ok, its ridiculous. just one more minute. just one more. actually right, to tell you the truth, you don't have to read from this sentence onwards liao, and i don't know whethere you will want to c.... ok, its 12.00PM now. signing off~
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
ok, someone just introduced me a si bei si bei funny stuff that you can do with your blog (or your friends' :D )
just type in http://benglish.kennysia.com/?add= in front of your blog url. eg: http://benglish.kennysia.com/?add=http://lanimefreak.blogspot.com something funny will happen to your blog. haha!! have fun!
Friday, June 6, 2008
eh, 很sian leh. kc went to penang and will only be coming back 4 days later. haiz, diao her for leaving me behind in singapore.
i wonder what she will buy for me leh?~ hehe~ 想到就口水流. alrighty, i'm planning to finish all my homework, excluding the freaking project with so little marks, before class chalet. update on my homework lists: those that are left: - 2 chinese cut newspaper (currently doing one) - 1 chinese story review - literature project ok lah, at least i managed to finish my maths. congrats! oh yeah, you know the movie "Sky of Love" right? they said that it was very touching, but yesterday me and kc watch, and felt that the storyline is kinda predictable, even the two scenes whereby they are going to do love and that the male lead will die. still thought that Ah Long Pte Ltd is better. maybe i'm not a cut for romanic movies. ok, i have to think of what i should do now. ok, 想到了. i will load Gokusen II (this jap drama not bad, quite funny. ps, there is a season one and three. the one i'm watching now is season two) while doing my chinese cut newspaper. signing off ~! alrighty, very random.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
LOL, two quizes i took from jia min's blog XD
1. What disappoints you the most? when people are unreasonable and talk bad things behind other's backs as if they are perfect angels from outer space. those people sucks XD 2. Where will you go if someone sponsors you a tour ticket? is it a world tour ticket or sth? i will consider a world tour. 3. What's your favorite thing to do? play my piano and listen to good music 4. Do you think money can buy happiness? no freaking way 5. If you can have one dream to come true, what would it be? that people around me will forever be healthy and safe 6. Do you believe you can survive without money? what do you think then? of course can.... not lah! 7. What are the qualities you look for in your future partner? erm, knows how to understand people, kind, cannot be a slacker 8. If you win $1 million, what would you do? keep in bank until i can think of where to spend it on 9. What is the most embarrassing thing that happened to you recently? knocking into someone else for twice in a row on a-not-crowed-at-all bus 10. List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you? you mean kc? she don't have any! no lah, i just can't think of any... :D 11. What makes you happy? being with my friends 12. What type of person do you hate the most? slackers, liers, unreasonable people 13. Where do you see yourself 10 years down the road? teaching piano with kc 14. If you could have a superpower, what would it be? i want to teleport 15. What do you think is the most important thing in your life? $$, friends, family blah blah blah 16. What do you do when you're alone? call my friend. if cannot get through, call again. if still cannot get through, then i might go to sleep or play my computer or play my piano 17. If you have a chance, which part of your character would you like to change? ah yes, my vulgar part 18. One word to describe yourself .... Lame. 19. What was your most unforgettable experience in school? i don't think i have. 20. What's my sexy name? horny... no lah! i don't know. --------------------------------------------------------------- 1. What’s your ambition? best is become a pianist, but its so difficult to even get a fucking job nowadays, so let's forget it 2. Who is more important to you?Friends or boyfriend? Friends 3. Who is the person you trust most? 人家害羞嘛~ ok lah, kc. 4. Do you think you have enough confidence? not on everything 5. Who is your idol? don't have 6. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain? yeah 7. What is your goal for this year? sian, i have no goals. i don't believe in ghosts. 8. Do you believe in eternity love? No freaking way. 9. What feeling do you love most? excitement!! and happiness 10. What are the requirements you wish from the other half? knows how to understand others, kind 11. List some best moments in life? Outing with my friends 12. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours? yeah! i think so. 13. Do you like pokemon? i prefer digimon. like real.. 14. What do you think is the most important thing in your life? family and friends 15. Do you love anime? love them to chocolate bits XXDDD 16. what if you are the only human left on earth, what will you do? i will just kill myself, its too boring to be alone XD 17. What have you done to please yourself? eh, i cannot be pleased easily. ._. 18. If time were to rewind, when will you want it to be? i just wish life can continue to move forward, no point going back isn't it? 19. What do you want most for your birthday? hmm.... something special (but i don't know ^.^)... from my friends! haha! 20.What is your favourite cake? i can accept any cake so long it is not so sweet until it makes you want to drink 100 cups of lime juice to make up for it.
oh righty~ uhuh uhuh~
cannot, my urge of changing the blogskin for the 3rd time was coming up~ cannot, must control~ ah~ it came out. stupid horny woman, getting horny by herself again. please ignore her, thank you. oh yeah, homework left: - 2 chinese cut newspaper. yeah know~ - 1 story review - literature project (must do research first. shit, haven do yet, shimata!) advertisement nowadays are quite amazing de neh, like the 京watever it is 润喉糖, gatsby, and the calbee biscuit. the gatsby most 够力one lah! never thought that it will actually be shown on the tv, cause i've seen it on youtube before. the 润喉唐is also quite 够力. both me and my mum are so stun lah when we saw the advertisement. 我可是贵妃呀!~ heheyahaha! whoa! such a random post. alrighty, going for dinner. signing off~
Monday, June 2, 2008
ok, some of the photos from the suntec trip. whee~
![]() logo to identify the position of our car. ps, that is not my father's car. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() kc's sea eel (鳗鱼) don. wasteful man~ still got so much rice left behind. *sigh* teeangers nowdays ah~ frog products at the cashier counter . calculator, pushie toys, thermometer, erm tissue? and last but not least,
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Suntec City Book Fair
yo peeps! went to the suntec book fair with my parents and kc (just a random friend, no lah!! :D) just now. we just got home and here i am, blogging about all the interesting things happened there.
at 2pm, my parents and i waited for kc to come to our block's lift lobby before setting off. she si bei dua pai lah! dare to come late somemore. alright, she is forgiven. when she arrived, we set off. whee~ at around 2.45pm, we got there and proceeded to the book fair. kc and i went off to look at the books while my parents go and find the things they want to buy, which is also books. at first, the both of us quite looking forward to the books we get to see there and got our $$ ready. to our horror, most.of.the.books.sold.there.are.all.for.children. sian lah, nth to buy. we walked round and round the place and yeah, most are children books, if not health books, or those boring history books. -_- then suddenly, we saw this stall and had a great laugh about it. that is a stall selling a kind of mechanical pencil which they claimed to be easy to rub, environmental friendly, toxic free, unbreakable. ah yes, unbreakable. so, we went up to see and the person demo for us to see how unbreakable it is. she said,"this is the normal mechanical pencil. you see right, when i write harder, the lead breaks." then she press normal pencil on the paper. of course the lead breaks lah. after that she said,"Now, this is the pencil we are selling. no matter how hard you press on it, it will not break." after saying, she demo using her special pencil. she started drawing a line and just then, the lead breaks. i looked at her, she looked at me. then she smile and said,"this happens because i wrote too hard." i smiled back. if not? i mean, you can't expect me to laugh and said,"haha! mai talk cock lah! it just broke!" and runs off, don't you? so i just smile back, nodded and walked off with kc, who saw the whole comedy too. we managed to control our laughter and after walking for a distance, we broke up into laughter. so funny and ridiculous lah~ if i were that person, i will just go and find a hole and bury myself. but i think she is used to it liao, so nevermind~ after that we still did not managed to find any books and the both of us came up with a conclusion: this should not be called a book fair. it should be called a clearance sale. why? because a lot of stalls are selling their things at a discount price. haiz, this year's book fair not very good leh, bought nth except for a keychain which will be mailed to my house within a week's time. cost $5, but you get to choose the designs you want, the colour and the words you want to put on it, so i think is quite ok lah. oh yeah, after that we met up with my parents. they somehow or rather bought a few books on health and china stuff. then went to japan for sushi. LOL, no lah, is sasuke sushi or whatever you call it. you know the sushi shop with a green frog? yeah, that one. after that, we went home. me and kc took some photos on the car and played a very very lame game cause we very bored, got nothing to do. the rule of the game: pretend to shoot the taxis that drove past us. (ps. we are on the highway) after that, we changed the rule to: pretend to shoot the motorcycles that is too noisy. (ps. we are still on the highway) lastly, we modified the rule to: pretend to shoot the cars that are white and red in colour. (want to make a guess where we are now? you are right, still the highway) finally reach home lah. alrighty, it's quite fun actually lah. get to go to Suntec, nong nong time neber go liao. i shall upload the photos taken on the next post. signing off~ |