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Yo. Lim Beh is Lee Yue Yu and I have been using this name since 31st August 1994. I once belonged to Greenridge Primary School and has continued to "waste my life" in Bukit Panjang Government High. My CCA? Its INFOCOMM CLUB. hehehe~

Saturday, February 21, 2009

ok people, this is most probably the last time i will be using this brog. please do relink me at:


ok thank you people and good bye~~~

Saturday, January 24, 2009

yesterday night, i had a VERY interesting dream. i wonder who has the same "style" of dream as well?

ok, so here it goes: (it is quite confusing because i suck at explaining stuff and its complicated to start with)
i was sleeping and dreamt in the dream that i was sleeping too. in the dream which has me sleeping, i dreamt a dream. so far ok? let's look at the diagram below for better understand shall we?

I myself (sleeping)
| (dream of)
Myself sleeping
| (who dream of)
Something which i forgot

so the fun thing is that, in my dream, i tried to wake up from my dream which is aka dream's dream. so in my dream, i wondered why i cannot wake up. after a while, i managed to wake up from my dream's dream and thought that i had really woke up.

but in my dream when i woke up, i found myself in an unfamiliar place instead of my bedroom, so i knew in the dream that i had not woke up. i tried to open my eyes but cannot.

somehow or rather, i FINALLY woke up from the whole thing to find myself totally covered with blanket except for my head (note that i capitalised the word FINALLY --- you can imagine how i struggled to wake up)

its like a three layer dream lah and i remembered that when i was small i also had this kind of encounter before and btw, if you still could not understand everything even up till point, then too bad lah. it can only mean two things:
1. my explanation skills sucks
2. it really sucks

~signing off! (its so like an out-of-body experience)

Sunday, January 18, 2009

yo people! yesterday 老娘我 (you thought i'm going to say 老娘惹 right? i knew it!) went to chinatown to by all the new year goodies with my parents.

so we walk walk, see see, buy buy, eat eat...
yeah you know it.

then we bought a lot of things blah blah blah and THEN!

HAH! we came to the herb shop which sells chinese herbs, like -.-''
BUT! that is not the point! the point is,

beside that herb shop is a SEX SHOP.
not some body shop or face shop ah, its actually The Shop.

yes yes i know what you people are thinking. stop being so horny lah! i never go in loh! Wa biang eh! anyhow malign me! 冤枉啊~

actually its because i cannot enter, that's why. erm anyway!~ i have digressed too much.
so when my parents are buying stuff in the herb shop right, i was standing outside and observing the reactions of the people who walked past the shop (good idea huh? :D)

after observing for sometime, i came to a solid and firm (ah hem!) conclusion: MOST guys who walked past would CONFIRM look and keep looking before they turned their heads around.

oh yeah, got this pair of very interesting couple.

they walked past,
the guy look,
and keep looking,
like eyeballs stuck on the glass,
look for a while,
happy happy a while,
turned around,
look at girlfriend,
both laugh,
i laugh.

so funneh. and just now when i told kc about this, i said,"i wonder what they did after shopping...(you know it, and i shall not talk about it)" and kc replied,"and next year you go back you saw them carrying their baby and was outside the sex shop, and then well, 2 babies, 3 babies... as long as they visit chinatown, you know what is going to happen."

yeah, totally agree.

:D off i go*

*ps. i think i will sign off like this in the future. oh and btw, my homework is 他妈的多.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

ok erm, school's been quite fine these few days, can still survive
just that homework a bit TOO MUCH recently. just a bit TOO MUCH only.

my phone, my house phone i mean, has somehow or rather "spoil". why? well, there's this Damn modern connected to it and without the modern I cannot make or receive phone calls. so its been way too quiet these few days with no ringing sounds from the phone.

its not like i receive an average of 100 calls a day or sth, but well you know, there will bound to be one or two calls a day.

and its so silent like that.

so my lovely little black cute modern, please get well soon so that I can use your sister, the phone, to make calls, which is your brother.

ok? this is an order from me, your owner.
get well soon :D

and lastly,
_|_ *smiles*

signing off~

Sunday, January 4, 2009


yo people!! i'm damn depressed right now!!
HAHA!! sorry! so depressed!! why?
so worried tomorrow got lost in school!! LOL, that's cool!! :D haha!!

somemore, haha! dunno what's up with subjects. >< all so weird one! like what Spa and GLE. yeah I know Spa ah!! its the let you relax after going in one right?!!

O_O water so hot!!

then GLE... ai ya just bring Econs lah!! *pat on shoulder* *cough*

ok people! bie bie!!! I dont know what this post is for, Ha! its a waste of time, BUT! you proceeded anyway!! proceed at your own risk like I said above!!

Ha! too bad~ *shrug shoulder* tsk tsk. BYE BYE.

Friday, January 2, 2009


First Quiz:
#1. Are you a chinese or english freako?:

#2. If time is going to stop; what will you possibly do for that time?
I think I will look at the clock to confirm time has really stop

#3. Prefer a playpool or playground?:

#4. Do you usually gossip others; or being gossiped?:
usually gossip others.

#5. Do you like simple or complicated stuffs?:
the simpler the better, especially test paper

#6. Do you tackle numbers better; or alphabets?:
i can tickle numbers until they laugh

#7. What makes you pissed off?
a lot eh, like bitches and smokers and ah beng ah lians and guys who wear skinny jeans

#8. How's your childhood?:
very good thank you

#9. Do you have inspiration without perspiration?:
uh yeah

#10. Do you think 24 hours is too long, short or just okay?
just okay cause i've been living with it for 14 years and a sudden change is a no-no man.

i will go haywire.

#11. Would you judge people by their appearance?

#12. What is attractive in your eyes?
(hey! my eyes are no magnets!) erm, beautiful stuff.

#13. Do you like the day or night, explain why:
night. its cooler, the amount of time SEEMS longer and its just fun to be during the night time.

#14. Do you treasure stuffs that you own, or you have insatiable desires?

insatiable desires sounds wrong but anyway, i treasure stuffs that i own.
*starts digging hole in the ground* *throw my treasures into the hole* *cover hole with mud*

#15. If your computer just hanged up; with a long long document not being saved; how will you

first, i will stone for a bit.
second, i will start to wait for my computer to finish hanging.
third, if the stubborn computer continues to 跳针, i will started scolding vulgarities at the

computer while alt+ctrl+delete.
fourth, I will start complaining.
fifth, I will open microsoft word or whatever program it is and thanks to the advanced

technology nowadays, computers will always save a copy for you even if you did not save it

and the program just ended like that.

ya, so i will just continue my work like usual.

#16. Do you believe in miracles?

#17. Do you often tend to forget about the past; or trying hard to do so?
tend to forget

#18. In your mind, why colours are out here?
to make the world nicer?

#19. Have you ever pity those who are real pitiful; and shed tears for them; etc?
i think so

#20. Describe yourself as in attitude:
get pissed off easily and i dont know liao

#21. Do you suddenly lose the grasp of hope to survive as yet?
survive what? a tsunami? sorry never encounter before.

#22. Give 3 advantages when you get to live:
i dont understand this question, seriously. what do you mean by "when you get to live"? I've
never die before right?

touchwood lah!! wa biang.

#23. What is your ambition in life?:
to earn money, save money and get surrounded with money

#24. Do you believe in horoscope etc?:

#25. Describe music in your life:
its something which has spend my parents a fortune and they are going to continuing spending

#26. Which country you would like to go:
a lot: Japan, Korea, and ang moh countries like Australia, Usa, New Zealand

#27. What do you think blogging is about?:
about expressing your thoughts and sometimes people will just comment on them. LOL!!
not funneh.

#28. What kind of style you are trying to get hold off?:
style~ style~ what style~ just want to be normal~ those average, see-one-time-then-forget kind

#29. When you fail a test:
The moment I got the test paper with my jia sai marks on it, I will blame myself for it and
force myself to work harder next time. After a few hours, I will be off to play!

#30. Pass this to 8 friends; for them to get it done.
(i'm not putting kc since she has done it)
lei lei
cheryl yeo
ke yun
jia min
cheryl lim

Second Quiz:
1. Are you single, taken or crushing?
(crushing as in being crushed by truck or what?) erm single

2. Are you happy with your life now?

3. When you meet the right person, do you fall in love with him fast?
heh. left person can?

4. Have you ever had your heart broken?
its still pumping~

5. Do you believe in some circumstances where cheating love is acceptable?
what is cheating love? i really dunno know. O.O

6. Would you take someone back if he cheats on you?

7. Have you ever talk about marriage with another before?
hehe~ you siao ah?

8. Do you want children?
actually i don't really want man. see first lah see first.

9. How many?

10. Would you consider adoption?
OI. everything is so future. see first can?

11. If someone likes you right now,what do you think is the best way to let you know his
just tell me and let me shiok a bit. hehe~ naw lah~

12. Do you enjoy getting into a relationship?
ah hem. firstly, i have been single. notice the use of present tense.

13. Do you believe in love at the first sight?
never try before lah!

14. Are you romantic?
柔曼迪克? 不是我那杯茶啦!

15. Do you believe you can change someone?
haha, i dunno (ps. why all the questions like that one?)

16. Do you easily give in when you are fighting?

17. Do you have feelings for someone right now?

18 Kc never give me the question for this question.

19. Have you ever broke a heart?
i never kill people hoh!

20. If one day your best friend falls in love with the guy you are deeply in love with, what
would you do?
i shall cut off her oviduct. HA HA HA. just kidding~

21. Are you missing someone right now?

Now you have to ask 5 of your friends to do this survey in their blogs.
Write down their names in the list below and tag in their blogs.
as above

Third Quiz:
1. what is your form of saying hello ?
yo/hello/or even, yo jerk

2. what do you like to do when you are alone at home ?
play neopets (got crazy over it recently), piano, blog, read blog, sing song

3. do you prefer drawing cute anime or pretty anime ?
i can't even draw!

4. what is the longest time you talked on the phone ?
haha, ask my hotdog.

5. how long will guilty conscience overcome you after you have done anything bad ?
for a long long long long time...

6. what is the most amount of money you have spent ?
erm, tuition $$? and i'm still spending it.

7. what animal would you like as a pet ?
i don't want pets, need to clear their shits and urine, change their food
CONCLUSION: waste time and money

1.Full name: LeeYueYu
2.Name backwards: (oi lame, or do you prefer mirror image?) uYeuYeeL
3.Were you name after someone: a female artist long long time ago?
4.Meaning of name: healthy, and special? more to healthy
5.Nickname: manyu
6.Screen name: sibeilame
7.D.O.B: 31 august 1994
8.place of birth: hospital, ah duh!
10.current location: in front of the computer sitting on a wooden chair which is around 30cm
from the monitor with my fingers on the keyboard while i'm typing this
11.star sign: virgo
12.religion: free thinker
13.height: haha, isn't the weather nice?
14.weight: haha, isn't it sunny out there? although its night time?
15.shoe size: dunnoe
16.hair colour: black
17.eye colour: brownish-black
18.what do you look like: human
19.innie or outie: huh?
20.lefty or righty: right
21.gay/straight/bi or others: bi your head ah bi. i'm straight lah! i only like girls! OI. O.O
22.best frens: hotdog
23. best fren you trust most: hotdog
24. fav pals: homie 都叫我热狗for show~
25.best fren of opp sex: kc (she's a girl actually. HUH?! that means i'm a boy?!)
26. best buddies : haiz. copy paste question 22.
27.boyfriend: myself, cannot meh?
28. crush: into a tree
29.parents: i have parents, what you want?
30.worst enemy: 蟑螂是我的天敌.
31.fav online guy : haha... 伍佰.
32.fav online girl: haha... ONLINE lah!!
33.funniest frend: copy paste question 26.
34.craziest frend: ans for question 33, manling, cindy
35.advice frend: lei lei, ke yun
36.loudest frend: bang bang!! i dunno, dont have ba..
37.person you cry with: i no cry in front of people
38.sisters: dont have
39.brothers: homie?
40.any pets: no
41.any disease: no
42.pager: HA! siao. I salute those who still use pager.
43.personal phone line: handphone
44.cell phone: which is also known as handphone
45.lava lamp: lava? i thought it also means pupa, no?
46.pool or hot tub: hot tub
47.car: knows nothing about car except for the different kind like buses and taxies
48.personality: funneh, horneh
54.bed: is very cosy
55.relationships with parents: normal loh
56.belive in yrself: ok, i will believe in myself :)
57.believe in love at first sight: uh, i think i saw this question just now
58.good listener: maybe
59.get along with parents: yeah
60.save email convos: some
61.pray: no
62.believe in reincarnation: kinda, for dunno what reasons
63.like to make fun of ppl: SOMETIMES only
64.like to talk on the phone: hehe~
65.want to get married: ....
66.likes to drive: can learn provided its cheap or when i'm rich
67.motion sickness: sometimes, must see how the driver drives and what kind of road the
vehicle is on
68.eat stem of broccoli: yeah why not?
69.eat chicken with fork: yeah (this question 怪怪的...)
70.dream in colour: yeah
71.type with ur fingers on home role: in what world is home role?
72.sleep with stuffed animal: like i would, just look at my bed and you know it
73.next to you: OI dont scare me!
74.on the walls of your room: a switch, air con remote, a board to pin my stuff, a window
with curtains
75.on yr mouse pad: i dont use mouse pad, i use rough paper
76.dream car: dont have
77.dream date: dont have
78.dream honeymoon spot: i want go europe country
79.dream husband or wife: xiiaoguurrlx iishh saddie! (sorry i suddenly talk twit)
80.bedtime: story. just watch that movie few days ago
81.under your bed: OI dont scare me!
82.the single most important question: i dont understand what talking you...
83.ur bad tym of the day: during school with all the people i dont know surrounding me... T.T
84.ur worst fears: nah, you are not gonna know that
85.the weather is: fine
86.time: 11.33pm
87.date: 2/1/09
88.This one also no question.
89.theme song: Ponyo ponyo ponyo~
90. hardest thing abt growing up: just face it man, life is cruel.
91.funniest experience: a lot seh
92.scariest moment: when watching ghost movies :D
93.silliest things you've ever said: a lot. AHH!~
94.most desperate or funniest thing i've done to get the attention of the opp. sex: for what
should i get the attention for?
95. scariest things that has ever happened when with friends: dont have ba, cant remember
96.worst feeling: thinking of school makes me feel sad
97.best feeling in the world: thinking that school is the ONLY thing that will makes me feel sad
(i am so optimistic LOL :DD)

ok signing off~

ok, i shall summarize everything that happened today in the following poems.

the whole school march back today
whoa. it is so damn noisy,
cause there are lion dances
oh man, I nearly went deaf.

school just reopens today.
got into a bling bling class,
with people whom I don't know,
except for those whom I know.

lessons continue next week.
yeah, what can i expect huh?
plus I'm not good with people,
confirm won't make many friends.

if you have noticed, the above three paragraphs are not poem but are some sort of pattern.
if you have noticed, the first sentence is one syllabus. The second, third, fourth and fifth each have seven syllabus.
if you have REALLY noticed, its similar to Haiku but ITS NOT Haiku.

haiz, looking forward to Monday and I still don't know where my classroom is but nevermind, let's forget it.

wait till i got lost.


signing off~