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204!! she who shall never be revealed Kc Yue Cong Cheryl Lim Madeline Bok Woon Rui Xuan Prisillia Hui Ling Jia Min Li Qing Pui Shan Man Ling Qi Kai Cheryl Yeo Javier Chong You Marissa Zi Yi Engrish.com TalkingCock.com MrBrownShow.com
May 2008
June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 |
Sunday, September 28, 2008
whoots! went to watch Painted Skin yesterday with my parents. not bad neh~
oh and i was making a bet with kc just now through the phone that if i watch 2oth century boys, i will be a pig. so don't you worry my kangchyi dearrrrrr, Mommy won't give up on you and watch 20th century boys :D so 恶心, don't know why i became like that... doushite?! probably because i mug too hard? but i thought i went easy on it? sian. ok, tomorrow got history test, i have signing off~
Saturday, September 27, 2008
wuahahhaha. updates on the To-Do list:
- revise History Chapter 6 - revise Chemistry (the whole file i think) for the Chemistry test - finish the maths ws alrighty, despite the many things i need to do, i am still gonna catch the movie "Painted Skin 画皮" with my parents. soooooo looking forward to it man.. ok, shall start mugging now. SIAN, LATER 9.30AM GOT MATHS TUITION. signing off~
Saturday, September 20, 2008
yo peeps, limpeh is back. quite a few things happened these days. ok, shall start from yesterday. well, in the morning, we had PE and played Captains' ball against the boys lah. so Mr Tan knew that we, the girls are all 弱女子,so he changed rulesssss of the game until its ridiculous in a way, but like i said, WE ARE 弱女子, so can't help it :D yeah, so kinda fun, the most tired session i guess, fighting for the ball~
then during history lesson yesterday, Miss Lim showed us the banana notes, 10 and 1000 dollars, and there is this ironic thing about the notes and curency exchange between last time and now. its like, we can buy the 1000 dollars at a price of $15, but the 10 dollars note at $50. LOL lahhh. after school, we got chinese and english oral. i think i did the english better than the chinese, haha, don't know why, but just felt so, and somemore the english examiner was more friendly than the chinese, although she 斗鸡眼halfway when i was doing the conversation with her. too sleepy and tired i guess, but thank god never laugh out loud when i saw that, if not i sure die one -.-'' ok, lastly, just now at around 9am, the old uncle who was going to tune my piano came to my house, and i thought he was going to tune only like, 3 keys? but he removed the whole thing!! as in the internal stuff of the piano, and said that he was going to bring back and tune ALL the keys. well, cost around $550? he will bring the internal organs of my piano back 10 days later, which is next saturday. he claimed that after this tuning, the stuff will not need to be tuned anymore until a nong nong nong nong nong time later, like a few few years later. so my mom agreed to it and he brought it back. without the internal stuff, my piano keys are sagging down like the neh neh of old woman. ah hem. sorry ah, don't know how to describe. somemore you press down cannot bounce back, don't have弹性!! ah hem. sorry again ah, just don't know how to rephrase my sentence. :D ok lah, shall wait while having all the revision and homework and school and exams and whatever it is gushing towards me... T.T doushite?! signing off~
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
This Blog is Surviving!!
THIS BLOG SHALL NOT DIE!!!! MUAHAHA. sry, just a little bit stress. ok... so...
EOY COMING. nonono, must censor that C word, if you get what i mean, haha. anyway, just a few updates on the tests and exams these few days and those that are 17/9/08: Higher Mother Teeth test 19/9/08: English + Chinese Oral 23/9/08: English Exam basically like that, then the rest is found on the Exam Schedule liao. sian, must start mugging liao. 苦命啊!!somemore cannot login to litespeed ah!!! doushite?! doushite?! signing off~
Friday, September 5, 2008
whoa! i just changed my blogskin. the old one is nice, but very sian cause i'm always looking at the same one, thus i went through A LOT of trouble to look for a one which can match my high standard. yeah babe, i have high standards~ ^^ naw lah naw lah~
ok, since i'm at it, i shall update my hw list: - read animal farm - revise english vocab and grammer - do music theory - revise once more for the chinese 成语 101 - 150 - i didn't have my chinese textbook, didn't have any 词语手册, so cannot revise any chinese words from 26 -28 课. too bad~ shall flank my test *shrug my shoulder* oh yeah, tomorrow going to Suntec City for the Food Fair, i think. having tuition in the morning, then going in the afternoon. signing off~ 我不是随便的人... 因为我随便起来不是人!! caught cha! *winks winks*
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
lim peh here. ok, so BIG BANG LIE IS NICE!!!! :D
its available for listening on here~ I'm so sorry but I love you da geo-jis-mar I-ya mor-rass-eo i-je-ya ar-ass-eo ne-ga pir-yo-hae~ shall master this song with all the korean lyrics. update on homework list: - - - one 剪报 using newspaper from 30/8 to 7/9 -- planning to finish typing today(doesn't include on copying to foolscap paper) - one 读后感 on 武文弄墨3 -- planning on finishing the whole thing today - revise chinese textbook chapter 26 ---- 28 - revise 成语101 ---- 150 - revise english vocab - revise english grammer - read Animal Farm, whole book. ok, signing off~ shall chiong now~
Monday, September 1, 2008
ok, homework list:
- swiss cottage maths paper - dunman maths paper - one 剪报 using newspaper from 30/8 to 7/9 - one 读后感 on 武文弄墨3 - revise chinese textbook chapter 26 ---- 28 - revise 成语101 ---- 150 - revise english vocab - revise english grammer - read Animal Farm, whole book. sian, many things to revise. signing off!
yo, Lim Peh here. yesterday was very tiring lah, but fun also. i shall split this post to two parts: the morning and afternoon parts.
Morning Part: yesterday was doing the selling Chinese New Year cards CIP. Lei Lei and Man Ling they all went to Bugis to sell their cards as well as fans while me and cindy go around the neighbourhood to sell the cards. seriously, you can see all types of people when you are selling them the cards. 1st type (which i hated the most but only saw once, thankfully :P) : people who asked damn lots of questions and rejected you on buying the cards in the end. very lame right those people? wanna buy then buy lah, don't wanna buy then don't buy lah, what's wrong man? .____.'' 2nd type (quite ok lah this one) : people who don't want to buy. can't blame them lah. its like, if i were them, i might not buy too, cause we don't send cards nowadays do we? and somemore Chinese New Year is still a very future thing, yeah. 3rd type (i like this type!! :D) : people who buy the cards. nothing more to say about them but just that they have helped in making our jobs easier. :D:D 4th and last type: people who wanted to donate $$ and did not want the cards. got one guy he gave me $10 but only took one packet of cards. (ps. one packet cost $2). got another indian woman gave me $2 and did not take the cards also. so, i pocketed the extra $$. yeah right lah! i handed all the money i received to the teacher can? i am a very honest person, thank you thank you. :D oh yeah, got this very 好心 auntie right, she bought one packet of cards from me, and when i was waiting for cindy to finish up her customer, sounds wrong but anyway, that auntie she came out of her house, ran towards me and said,"when you are selling cards, remember to go in pairs, and when some of the people ask you to follow them into the house, don't go in hoh. ok, understand hoh?" then i was like nodding my head, saying "yeah, i understand.... yeah correct... thanks for your advice" that kind of thing. 好心right? there are kind people out there too!! still got one more auntie. she si bei 够力. you know what she do? she 包下everything cindy and i have left! OMGF!!! at first, i was dealing with my customer and cindy was dealing with hers. then i got rejected and i waited for cindy. i found out from her that the auntie was interested to buy and had went back in to take money. then i bet with her, saying,"搞不好她要包下全部." and she really 包下全部leh. its like, when she took out her $50 note, she said she wanted everything. cindy and i so stunned lah!! $50 can buy 25 packets, but at that time cindy and i have 13 packets left in total, so she bought the 13 packets. so damn shuang the feeling!!! we are like,"thank you soooooo much!". by that time, its around 11.30am? we counted our money and went back to CCK Mrt to hand over our $$. after that we bought sweet talk and i went to change. Afternoon Part: 12.15pm kc came and cindy went back. then me and kc had sushi for lunch and went to Causeway Point to watch Meet Dave, but the movie starts at 4.10pm and its around 2pm at that time. so we went to the arcade and took neoprints first, then played Hockey. the neoprint is a nightmare, so i shall not take about it anymore. for the Hockey, its a table with a disc-shape "ball" and two funny shaped thingy for you to hold to hit the "ball" into the opponet's goal. use your imagination~ played that thing for two rounds, its very exciting. we sweated after two crazy rounds of trying to hit the ball into the opponet's hole. 别想歪!:D after that lei lei called and said she was coming over, so me and kc went to buy movie ticekt for lei lei. oh yeah, i was thinking of choosing a present for yimin and went around the mall (since we had soooo much time on hand), and when we got to Comics Connection, kc saw Lei Lei, who was wearing school uniform, and not knowing that is Lei Lei, told me,"你学校的人在那里." i walked over to see and found out that is Lei Lei! whoa! the way Kc and Lei Lei meet is so special. haha. anyway, we bought a soft toy and went to cinema, bought a large salt + sweet mix popcorn, two ice lemon tea, waited for the cinema to clean finish, and went in to watch Meet Dave. its a really, very funny and interesting movie. its a movie which has make me laughed so hard for the first time ya know. really nice, but inside the cinema is freaking cold, i was numbed inside. ^^ after the movie, we went home ya? reach home at around 6.45pm and mom has made fried 河粉 for dinner. so here i am, having a bit of sore throat because i ate too much popcorn, and blogging about things which happened yesterday. after this post, i shall continue to chiong my hw. haiz, the thought of hw and test makes me wanna pui. signing off~ |