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204!! she who shall never be revealed Kc Yue Cong Cheryl Lim Madeline Bok Woon Rui Xuan Prisillia Hui Ling Jia Min Li Qing Pui Shan Man Ling Qi Kai Cheryl Yeo Javier Chong You Marissa Zi Yi Engrish.com TalkingCock.com MrBrownShow.com
May 2008
June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 |
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Lim Peh is back! :D
yeah, today is kc's co concert at SPH i think, then i never go. :P sorry man, its too far from here so never go, somemore got tuition, somemore mother won't allow, somemore so far, somemore nobody accompany me to go, somemore i don't know how to do, SOMEMORE I NEED TO PAY $10 FOR THE TICEKTS (bold and underline this sentence. highlight if possible) above are just some excuses i cock up, and i can cock up more, just that i can't be bothered :P yeah, but really sorry man. I SHALL FEED MYSELF TO YOU IN RETURN, YOU WANT?! *starts cutting flesh out of me* oh yeah, yesterday was teacher's day celebration and i was shooting the events. kinda boring i think, like there's not much activities for the celebration yesterday, cos we shoot until nothing to shoot. haha, too efficient neh~ tomorrow got the selling cards CIP. so, one packet has got five new years cards, and one packet costs $2. if earthlings out is reading this and is interested in new year paper cards, please buy from me. thank you. kinda siao, like there are so many cards!! 50 packets what the hell?! sian.. i don't think i can finish selling all cards by 21/9/08 lah my god... anyway, tomorrow is a very special day. Do you know what day is it? it is a SUNDAY. yes, a day meant for people to rest, and we need to sell cards from 8am-1pm. win liao... =..='' why can't we sell on Saturdays, or even during the holidays? LIM PEH BIO SHONG! aiya, just forget it man, its for the charity anyway. its a good deed!! ^^ well, i shall do my homework which is stacking up like the Bukit Timah Hill now. bye bye!! signing off~
Monday, August 25, 2008
yo peeps!! ok, at the side scoll down, down, down, got this personal test taken by Lim Peh, which is me lah. just do if you feel like it^^
<5-6> signing off~
Sunday, August 24, 2008
ok, its been a long time since i last posted but anyway, just some updates on the things happened these few days. first, I got back all my exam papers!!! except for English and Literature.. =..= kinda slow in a way, but I got the patience, so relax! take it easy~ its very sian when there is still tests after the common tests (hey it rhymes!!) let's see... Monday, which is tomorrow, got Chemistry test on the Formulae and Balancing Equation, Tuesday got History test on Chapter 4 and Physics test on something which I don't know, and Wednesday, there is Home Econ. sandwich making, which is like so .... well forget it! why do the teachers have to cramp every tests on the last week of school? i think they are bound on making us suffer before letting us enjoy the one pathetic week of holiday. so evil!! ahhh!!! 疯了~ naw lah naw lah~ 我想了又想,杀死了我不懂有多少个的脑细胞,还是想不出一朵花来... 算了呗, i don't want to think liao. haiz.. T.T alrighty, shall chiong 剪报now. signing off~
Monday, August 18, 2008
uhuh uhuh~ common tests are finally over! ^^
that's the most shuang thing that can happen when your friend is still struggling ^^ (x2) so I managed to get back chinese paper and history paper so far. erm, i think i can work harder for my chinese, but i think its over already liao, so no use thinking bout' it anymore. right now, i must concentrate on other important things, like slacking all i want, watch kc struggle and suffer (MUAHAHAHA!!!), and wait for the other papers. kinda sian, got nothing to do neh~ oh yeah, just a quote few days ago: "Cats have nine lives, but a copycat like you have NO LIFE!!" its very creative neh~ ... ... or has someone thought of it already? naw lah naw lah!~ canopy(cannot be!!) lah!! anyway, been downloading Big Bang's songs since just now. yeah, i know its illegal, but everyone's doing it! can't help it. For your information, Big Bang is actually a gang from Korea, once known as 369 (recap from history~~)... nah, like real. their songs are not bad man, and i like the songs Haru Haru and Lie. at first they have six members, but one left, so the question here: How many members are there in the band now? 6-1=5, so 5 left loh, simple maths. :D:D NAW LAH NAW LAH!~ ok lah, i go and enjoy myself already... 别想歪!!... 我知道你有想歪!!caught cha! *winks* signing off~
Saturday, August 16, 2008
yo peeps. well, managed to get through the common test the last few days. one more to go on Monday, which is maths lah.
erm, to do lists for this weekend: - finish the Home Econ workbook page 8 - 13 for Mrs Chiang class. - finish one 剪报 on any topic for those in 蔡老师 class - revise maths on chapter 6, 7, 9, 10, 11 - finish my chinese tuition compo writing homework. - touch up for the ITSK powerpoint slides and sent the microsoft word and slides to the ITSK teacher haiz. sian... so many things to do. don't feel like doing it. well, can't slack though, must do. DIE DIE MUST DO!! ok, this is a short post. signing off~
Monday, August 11, 2008
sian. managed to revise finish my chinese, although i don't know whether i did memorise any of them. and now, revising history. decided to slack a bit for now and thought of this dialogue between the British and Dutch. ai ya, you will proceed anyway... Raffles: yes. cannot meh? Temenggong: thousand apologises! the sultan control this island and he is under the Dutch's rule, you have to speak to his bosssss.Raffles: that filty little maggot! how dare you defy me! you watch out, I WILL BE BACK. after their conversation, Raffles left and went to find the maggot's elder brother, Tengku Hussein, and brought him to Singapore without the Dutch knowing. Raffles: come! you want to be the Sultan? We, the British, shall defy the Dutch and kick your brother to one side, and make you the sultan! Hussein: really? thank you very much!Raffles: *evil grin* you think we will let you be the sultan just like that? Hussein: ... then?Raffles: *still having the grin* its not that simple! we will set up a settlement in one part of the island for trading, and $$ will come rolling in~~ Raffles: of course! you will have benefits too! We will give you and your brother $5000 and $3000 respectively.Hussein: Deal! and so, on the 6 Feb 1819, they signed the treaty. sian. found out that i have wasted my time but hey! i have revised too!! :D oh yeah, just now i don't know what happen, but when i pressed Ctrl + Alt + Del, my whole screen became vertical instead of horizontal like the normal one!!!! !! then kc ask me do system restore, then now ok liao. its still a mystery neh~ shall post the photo next time.. signing off~
Saturday, August 9, 2008
yo peeps, long time never blog le. got watch yesterday's beijing olympic? nice man ^^ oh yeah, today is singapore birthday. well, happy birthday then...
naw (a new way of saying no) lah naw lah~ anyway, i went for the japan sushi buffet ust now in the afternoon, around 12.00pm. at around 12.15pm, we got to the Sakura Sushi Buffet Restaurant at the Omni Theatre. we got reserve our seats, so we got in as soon as we reached there. but there wasn't THAT much people down there, somemore got so many seats, so i guess we can get seated without reserving, but well... haha. we need to pay first before going in, so my father pay while my mother's cousin, my mother and i proceeded in first. oh yeah, one person (for lunch) costs $20++ (unless you are a kid), and on Friday nights, eve of public holidays, public holidays and weekends have to pay $2 more for one person. but for dinner, it will be $24 per person, which is like $4 more. LOL, i'm helping them to advertise. anyway, we got in, put our stuff down and went to get our food. i must say that there are quite a variety of choices available. for example: abalone (huh?), shark fin (huh?x2 its obviously fake =.=''), otah (huh?x3), satay (huh?x4) LOL. actually, they got this system whereby you can get the chefs to bbq some of the food for you, but you have to take your clips with your table number on it, which will be given to you, and clip it on a tiny stand in front of the food, then they will cook it for you and send to your table. well, managed to eat otah, satay (not bad man!!) from the clipping system. then went around to take the sushi-es and drinks. i managed to eat some ice cream and a tiny tiny raspberry cake, which is so small, like those sold in the French restaurant (one big big plate with a tiny 3cm x 3cm cake on it). they have raw oysters also, but it tastes kinda weird leh. oh yeah, i found out that there is actually dim sum like lo mai gai, dua bao and all that for you to take. Haha, they have every kinds of food there: western, chinese, french (the cake and maybe the sausage too??), and japan!! like obviously lah, a japanese restaurant of course have jap food. =.='' damn full lah, can't walk already. fuck, i should have skip my dinner last night as well. but its worth it lah. imagine eating all that in a normal restaurant, it will cost you a nuclear bomb lah. no photos, sorry~ i think, that the food haven't digest finish. as the saying goes:"喝了好的东西五小时不小便,吃了好的东西五天不大便" ok, i shall wait until 5 days later then shit. quoted from kc anyway. its worth going, seriously. shall support buffet from now on!! -..-'' LOL, naw lah naw lah~ signing off~
Sunday, August 3, 2008
yo yo, just a very short post. today is the 3rd of August, and it happens to be cheryl's birthday, so
Happy Birthday Cheryl!! whooo!! 又大了一岁worh! ok, now is 11.25pm, haven't reach 12am, so not considered a belated birthday wish... i think.. gotta go now~ signing off~ |